
Case of ex-MP Oleksandr Chernenko on abuse of authority

  • Date of commencement of the case: 08/04/2020
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Execution of sentence
  • Verdict type: Indictiment
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Case of ex-MP Oleksandr Chernenko on abuse of authority Case of ex-MP Oleksandr Chernenko on abuse of authority

Case description

On April 30, 2020, the HACC found Oleksandr Chernenko, ex-MP from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, guilty of unreasonably obtaining compensation for housing. The accused and the prosecutor concluded an agreement, so the ex-MP was sentenced to probation for a year.


In 2016-2018, while still acting as MP of the VII convocation, Chernenko intentionally applied for monetary compensation for rental housing and received more than UAH 580,000. That is, the ex-MP had a registered place of residence near Kyiv and lived with his wife in the capital, but applied for compensation. The Verkhovna Rada Apparatus does not have the authority to check whether MPs are entitled to such compensation. 

The crime was qualified under Article 364, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The court approved the plea agreement and fined Chernenko UAH 17,000, sentenced him to 3 years in prison, and deprived him of the right to hold certain positions for a year. However, Chernenko concluded an agreement with the prosecutor, so the real deprivation of liberty was replaced with a suspended sentence with a three-year probationary period. The ex-MP, by the way, compensated for the damage caused to the state.

  • Proceeding No.: 52020000000000213
  • Case No.: 991/2904/20
  • Incriminated: Article 364, part 2
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Fedorov O.V., Shkodin Ya.V., Zadorozhna L.I.



Ex-MP Oleksandr Chernenko deliberately received compensation for housing, although he was provided with housing in Kyiv. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison with a probationary period of 3 years, fined UAH 17,000, and banned from holding elective positions for one year.

  • pic
    March 17, 2020
    The NABU and the SAPO served Oleksandr Chernenko with a suspicion notice
  • April 3, 2020
    The defense initiated and concluded a plea agreement with the SAPO prosecutor
  • pic
    April 30, 2020
    The HACC found Chernenko guilty and sentenced him to three years probation based on the agreement with the prosecutor

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