On December 30, 2024, investigative judge Lesia Fedorak selected an interim measure for Borys Plotnitskyi, the former head of the Western Economic Court of Appeal — detention with the option of a UAH 30.2 million bail.
Plotnitskyi was also assigned the following obligations:
● appear when summoned by the court, investigator, or prosecutor;
● not leave the Lviv region without the court's permission;
● report any change in his place of residence to the court;
● refrain from communicating with suspects and witnesses;
● surrender his passport;
● wear an electronic monitoring device.
These obligations will remain in effect until February 27, 2025.
NABU and SAPO suspect Vasyl Artymovych and Mykhailo Yurkevych, the former heads of the Economic Court of Lviv Region, along with Borys Plotnitskyi, the former head of the Western Economic Court of Appeal, of soliciting a $1 million bribe from a representative of Luhovskyi's private company. According to investigators, the defendants promised to deliver “desired” court decisions in cases under consideration in the appeal.
The prosecutor requested the arrest of Plotnitskyi, with the option to pay a UAH 30.2 million bail. He argued that the suspicion was justified and that all five risks were present. According to secret investigative actions, Plotnitskyi was involved in two conversations where he stated that the bribe should be transferred through him.
Plotnitskyi's defenders argued that the suspicion was unfounded and that no risks were present. They also highlighted the suspect's poor health and suggested that home arrest or a UAH 7 million bail would be sufficient as an interim measure.