What’s the Latest on the DACK Judges Case?
On March 21, 2025, during a hearing on the “DACK tapes” case, the judge noted that out of 30 sessions, only one had full attendance by all participants. According to the judge, case review statistics improved after a change in practice, specifically allowing hearings to proceed with incomplete attendance. Absent participants will have the opportunity to listen to the hearing recording, review the case materials in court, and express their opinion.
The court also requested that the parties submit motions on the obvious inadmissibility of evidence in advance, a few days before the hearing. The judge explained that obvious inadmissibility refers to violations of constitutional rights.
At the same time, the court noted that defense lawyers often file motions that should be addressed at a different stage of the case. The court warned that if it detects abuse, it will postpone consideration of such motions and address them at the time of sentencing. At the request of the defense, the court also asked the prosecutor to provide in advance a list of materials they will refer to during the session to ensure the defense has sufficient time to prepare.
The NABU and SAPO accuse the former head of the liquidated DACK, Pavlo Vovk, and several others of creating a criminal organization to allegedly seize judicial power. The investigation was based on published recordings of private conversations — the so-called “DACK tapes” or “Vovk tapes.”