Case description
Oleksii Salnikov, former chair of the State Judicial Administration, is accused of taking a USD 7,500 bribe to influence Supreme Court judges.
According to the investigation, in March 2023, Oleksii Salnikov received a USD 7,500 bribe from an individual. Salnikov was supposed to transfer part of the amount (USD 5,000) to the Supreme Court judges for making a decision in favor of a commercial enterprise and keep the rest for his acting as an intermediary.
Subsequently, Salnikov informed the person that the issue was being resolved and that he was in contact with the Chair of the Supreme Court. After the NABU detectives exposed Kniaziev on receiving a bribe, Salnikov started to evade the issue and wanted to take full possession of the bribe, without planning to hand it over to the Supreme Court judges.
Salnikov is charged under Article 369, part 4 and Article 190, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.