Case description
The NABU and the SAPO have accused Yuliia Chubko, deputy chief of staff of the Podilskyi District Court of Kyiv, and Tetiana Voitenko, a judge of the same court, of extorting and receiving a $10,000 bribe to influence a court decision.
According to the investigation, Chubko and Judge Voitenko demanded the bribe, allegedly to pass it to another judge in exchange for a favorable decision for the plaintiff in a case concerning the recovery of material damages, lost profits, and non-pecuniary damages from a private company.
During searches at the defendants’ workplaces and residences, a portion of the received bribe was recovered.
The actions of the deputy chief of staff and the judge were classified under Article 369-2, Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.
In 2023, the HACC closed the proceedings against Chubko due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Voitenko requested that her case remain open, but the prosecutor dropped the charges due to insufficient evidence.