
Case of Nadiia Posunsia on false declaration

  • Date of commencement of the case: 18/09/2019
  • Instance: CCC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Execution of sentence
  • Verdict type: Acquittal
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Case of Nadiia Posunsia on false declaration Case of Nadiia Posunsia on false declaration

Case description

This is the first verdict of the HACC since its creation. 

On October 30, 2019, the HACC found Nadiia Posunsia, judge of the Court of Appeal of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast, guilty of failure to submit an electronic declaration for 2015-2018. She was fined UAH 51,000, but later this sentence was overturned due to the scandalous decision of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine. It abolished criminal liability for false declaration or intentional failure to submit a declaration.


Nadiia Posunsia

Posunsia explained that she could not file a declaration on the NACP website because she deliberately refused an electronic signature. Allegedly, the judge used to send paper declarations with a personal signature to the Agency's e-mail successfully. Judge Posunsia expressed the opinion that a person should have the right to choose whether to obtain the electronic signature.

The crime was qualified under Art. 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (declaring false information). The court fined Posunsia UAH 51,000 and banned her from holding certain positions for a year. Since the judge was retired at that time, the verdict also abolished her lifetime financial allowance.

However, on October 27, 2020, Article 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was declared unconstitutional, so judge Posunsia subsequently appealed to the HACC with a request to reconsider the verdict. On November 17, 2020, the court reviewed its decision, overturned the conviction, and closed the criminal proceedings.

  • Proceeding No.: 52017000000000055
  • Case No.: 760/4297/18
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Buleiko O.L., Ivanenko I.V., Fomin S.B.


Panel of judges: Semennykov O.Yu.


Panel of judges: Maslov V.V., Nohachevskyi V.V., Fedorak L.M.


Panel of judges: Buleiko O.L., Ivanenko I.V., Fomin S.B.


Panel of judges: Hlotov M.S., Kaluhina I.O., Chornenka D.S.


Panel of judges: Tanasevych O.V., Kryklyva T.H., Sikora K.O.


Case of Nadiia Posunsia

Judge Nadiia Posunsia failed to submit e-declarations for 2015-2018 due to the refusal to obtain the electronic signature. She was fined for this, but due to the scandalous decision of the Constitutional Court, the verdict was overturned. 

Art. 366-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine

  • pic
    October 30, 2019
    The HACC found Nadiia Posunsia guilty, fined her UAH 51,000 and banned her from holding certain positions for a year
  • October 27, 2020
    The Constitutional Court of Ukraine abolished criminal liability for false declaration or intentional failure to submit a declaration
  • November 9, 2020
    The court opened proceedings on Posunsia's application for review of the verdict under exceptional circumstances
  • pic
    November 17, 2020
    The HACC overturned the conviction and closed the criminal proceedings against Posunsia

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
760/4297/18 HACC 18/09/2019 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
760/4297/18 HACC 04/10/2019
760/4297/18 HACC 04/10/2019 On the appointment of a trial
760/4297/18 HACC 04/10/2019
760/4297/18 HACC 30/10/2019 Verdicts
760/4297/18 HACC AC 08/07/2020 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
760/4297/18 HACC AC 15/07/2020
760/4297/18 HACC AC 15/07/2020 On the return of the appeal
760/4297/18 HACC AC 15/07/2020 On the return of the appeal
760/4297/18 CCC 17/08/2020 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
760/4297/18 HACC 09/11/2020 Decision on opening criminal proceedings under exceptional circumstances
760/4297/18 HACC 09/11/2020
760/4297/18 HACC 10/11/2020
760/4297/18 HACC 17/11/2020 Decision on closing the criminal proceedings
760/4297/18 HACC 01/12/2020
760/4297/18 HACC 16/12/2020
760/4297/18 HACC 16/12/2020
760/4297/18 HACC AC 29/12/2020 Opening of appeal proceedings
760/4297/18 HACC AC 12/01/2021 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
760/4297/18 HACC AC 13/01/2021 On the return of the appeal
760/4297/18 HACC AC 25/01/2021
760/4297/18 HACC AC 25/01/2021
760/4297/18 HACC AC 27/01/2021 Opening of appeal proceedings
760/4297/18 HACC AC 09/02/2021 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
760/4297/18 HACC AC 12/02/2021
760/4297/18 HACC AC 15/02/2021
760/4297/18 HACC AC 15/02/2021
760/4297/18 CCC 12/04/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
760/4297/18 CCC 18/05/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
760/4297/18 CCC 18/05/2021 On the return of the cassation appeal
760/4297/18 CCC 15/06/2021 On the return of the cassation appeal