
The case of Zolotariov on damages to Ukrzaliznytsia

  • Date of commencement of the case: 15/02/2023
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The case of Zolotariov on damages to Ukrzaliznytsia The case of Zolotariov on damages to Ukrzaliznytsia

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO suspect the Ukrzaliznytsia officer Oleh Zolotariov of organizing the procurement at inflated prices, which caused UAH 9.6 million in losses to Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ).

According to the prosecution, in 2017, UZ announced a tender in which it planned to purchase power supply devices for passenger cars.  Oleh Zolotariov, head of the Regional Branch of the South Western Railway, allegedly set a requirement for all potential participants in the tender, according to which UZ had to approve the drawings of suppliers' products, and thus distorted the conditions of competition.

After that, only two companies, Brovary Electrotechnical Association LLC and Elpo Ukraine LLC, which are related to each other, were approved. The procurement transactions were conducted at prices that were overstated by UAH 9.6 million. Four years after purchasing the devices, UZ has not put them into operation.

Zolotariov is charged with Article 364(2) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The case is still being considered by the High Anti-Corruption Court.

  • Proceeding No.: 52017000000000502
  • Case No.: 991/1286/23 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 760/24390/19, 991/7448/20, 991/6705/21, 991/2261/22, 991/3105/22
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Movchan N.V., Salandiak O.Ya., Zadorozhna L.I., Moisak S.M.

Lawyer: Nechvohloda O.A.

Prosecutor: Stepanian S.L.



UZ officer Oleh Zolotariov organized the procurement of devices for passenger cars at inflated prices. UZ suffered UAH 9.6 million in losses.

  • 2017
    Zolotariov organized non-competitive procurement, which allowing only two related companies to participate
  • pic
    September 23, 2021
    The NABU and the SAPO served Zolotariov with a suspicion notice
  • September 29, 2021
    The HACC set bail for Zolotariov in the amount of UAH 454,000
  • February 13, 2023
    The NABU and the SAPO referred the case to court
  • March 8, 2023
    The HACC appointed the case for consideration

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