
The case on kickbacks to Serhii Filonenko, Izium Defense Plant Director

  • Date of commencement of the case: 24/02/2023
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The case on kickbacks to Serhii Filonenko, Izium Defense Plant Director The case on kickbacks to Serhii Filonenko, Izium Defense Plant Director

Case description

Serhii Filonenko, director of the Izium Defense Plant, is accused of receiving a UAH 2 mln bribe. In exchange for the bribe, he was supposed to conceal unjustified payments for military goods.

According to the investigation, between September 2016 and January 2017, Filonenko received a bribe of over UAH 2.44 mln from Optymumspetsdetal LLC. In return for the bribe, the plant director was supposed to concleal fraudulent payments for the supply of military goods in favor of this enterprise.

Moreover, the NABU and the SAPO established that Filonenko had made false statements in his 2020 declaration. An apartment in Bulgaria owned by his wife was not included. Its price was equal to UAH 1.33 mln in 2020.

Currently, Filonenko is incriminated with Article 368, Part 4 of the CCU. Due to the expiration of the statute of limitations, the part of the case related to false declaration was closed. The HACC acquitted him. The SAPO is appealing the decision in the HACC AC.

In September 2024, the appeal proceedings were opened. The HACC AC is currently hearing the case.

Serhii Filonenko
  • Proceeding No.: 52020000000000506
  • Case No.: 991/1688/23 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/6787/21, 991/7453/21, 991/2166/22, 991/4936/22, 991/4940/22, 991/6100/22, 991/6483/22, 991/6496/22, 991/6813/22, 991/149/23, 991/481/23
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 191, part 3, Article 191, part 4, Article 368, part 3, Article 368, part 4, Article 369, part 1, Article 209, part 3, Article 366-2, part 1, Article 366, part 1
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Pavlyshyn O.F.


Panel of judges: Nohachevskyi V.V., Voronko V.D., Tkachenko O.V., Zadorozhna L.I., Moisak S.M., Shyroka K.Yu., Salandiak O.Ya., Movchan N.V., Bitsiuk A.V., Dubas V.M.


The case of Serhii Filonenko

Izium Defense Plant Director Serhii Filonenko allegedly received a bribe of more than UAH 2 mln from a private firm, promising to conceal unjustified payments for the supply of military goods.

Article 368, Part 4 of the CCU

  • September 2016–January 2017
    Serhii Filonenko received UAH 2.44 million in kickbacks from individuals with ties to Optymumspetsdetal LLC
  • October 25, 2022
    Serhii Filonenko was served with a suspicion notice
  • October 28, 2022
    The HACC set bail for Filonenko amounting to UAH 2.6 mln
  • February 23, 2023
    The SAPO referred the indictment to the court
  • May 22, 2023
    The HACC closed the part of the case on Filonenko's false declaration due to the expiration of the statute of limitations
  • August 19, 2024
    The HACC found Filonenko not guilty due to the absence of a criminal offense
  • September 26, 2024
    Appeal proceedings were opened

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/6787/21 HACC 04/10/2021
991/6787/21 HACC 04/10/2021
991/7453/21 HACC 04/11/2021
991/2166/22 HACC 01/07/2022
991/4936/22 HACC AC 01/11/2022 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/4940/22 HACC AC 02/11/2022 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/4936/22 HACC 04/11/2022 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/4936/22 HACC 04/11/2022 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/4936/22 HACC AC 04/11/2022
991/4936/22 HACC AC 04/11/2022
991/4940/22 HACC 14/11/2022
991/4940/22 HACC 14/11/2022
991/4940/22 HACC AC 14/11/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4940/22 HACC AC 14/11/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6100/22 HACC 09/12/2022
991/6100/22 HACC 09/12/2022
991/6483/22 HACC 21/12/2022
991/6483/22 HACC 21/12/2022
991/6496/22 HACC 23/12/2022
991/6496/22 HACC 23/12/2022
991/6813/22 HACC 05/01/2023
991/6813/22 HACC 05/01/2023
991/149/23 HACC 13/01/2023
991/149/23 HACC 13/01/2023
991/6813/22 HACC AC 16/01/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/481/23 HACC 01/02/2023
991/481/23 HACC 01/02/2023
991/6813/22 HACC AC 03/02/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6813/22 HACC 03/02/2023
991/6813/22 HACC 03/02/2023
991/6813/22 HACC AC 03/02/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/1688/23 HACC 24/02/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1688/23 HACC 07/03/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 07/03/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 13/03/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1688/23 HACC 28/03/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 28/03/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 03/04/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 03/04/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 11/04/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 24/04/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 24/04/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1688/23 HACC 01/05/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 12/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 23/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 23/05/2023 Separate opinion of the HACC judge
991/1688/23 HACC 23/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 30/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 30/05/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 10/07/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1688/23 HACC 11/07/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 11/07/2023
991/1688/23 HACC 10/04/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1688/23 HACC 04/07/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1688/23 HACC 04/07/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1688/23 HACC 19/08/2024 Verdicts
991/1688/23 HACC AC 26/09/2024 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1688/23 HACC AC 04/10/2024
991/1688/23 HACC AC 04/10/2024