
The case of MP Serhii Kuzminykh

  • Date of commencement of the case: 26/09/2022
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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The case of MP Serhii Kuzminykh The case of MP Serhii Kuzminykh

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO accused Servant of the People MP Serhii Kuzminykh of receiving a UAH 558,000 bribe from a private company representative for a contract award in a tender for the purchase of ultrasound systems. He is facing up to 5 years in prison.

In late January 2022, Serhii Kuzminykh was detained while transferring a significant amount of money. The investigation believes that the MP assisted in signing contracts between a hospital in the Zhytomyr region and a private company called Lumberg INC. The hospital ordered ultrasound diagnostic systems at tenders, and Kuzminykh asked for a 30% kickback from the order amount for awarding a contract. 

For this, MP Serhii Kuzminykh is charged with Article 369-2(2) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. After his detention, the MP ignored NABU subpoenas three times, so he was put on the wanted list, but later he did appear at the National Bureau and was detained. Subsequently, when NABI officers tried to hand him the indictment, Kuzminykh threw the documents out of the car window.

In September 2022, a podcast episode featuring a NABU detective was also released, discussing the Kuzminykh case. The defense filed a statement on violation of the presumption of innocence by the detective, and the court recognized this violation.

  • Proceeding No.: 42021000000002617
  • Case No.: 991/4071/22 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/624/22, 991/682/22, 991/753/22, 991/754/22, 991/625/22, 991/1303/22, 991/1076/22, 991/1368/22, 991/2386/22, 991/2666/22, 991/2590/22, 991/3856/22
  • Incriminated: Article 368, part 4, Article 369-2, part 2
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Salandiak O.Ya.



The current MP Serhii Kuzminykh allegedly helped a private company get a contract at a hospital tender for a bribe of UAH 558,000.

  • January 28, 2022
    Serhii Kuzminykh was detained while receiving a bribe
  • pic
    January 31, 2022
    Prosecutor General Venediktova signed a suspicion notice to Kuzminykh
  • February 3, 2022
    the NABU put the MP on the wanted list because he ignored three subpoenas
  • February 7, 2022
    Kuzminykh and his attorney came to the NABU, where he was detained for the imposition of an interim measure
  • May 19, 2022
    The HACC set bail for the MP at UAH 49,000
  • July 15, 2022
    The NABU and the SAPO completed an investigation in the case
  • September 23, 2022
    The SAPO referred the Kuzminykh case to court
  • April 26, 2023
    The HACC appointed the case for consideration
  • January 17, 2024
    The HACC acknowledged a violation of the presumption of innocence against Kuzminykh by the NABU detective

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/624/22 HACC 31/01/2022
991/624/22 HACC 31/01/2022
991/682/22 HACC 02/02/2022
991/682/22 HACC 02/02/2022
991/753/22 HACC 04/02/2022
991/753/22 HACC 04/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/753/22 HACC 09/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 11/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 11/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 15/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 15/02/2022
991/625/22 HACC 16/02/2022
991/625/22 HACC 16/02/2022
991/625/22 HACC AC 17/02/2022 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/754/22 HACC 17/02/2022
991/754/22 HACC 17/02/2022
991/1303/22 HACC 17/03/2022
991/1303/22 HACC 17/03/2022
991/754/22 HACC 11/04/2022
991/1076/22 HACC 13/04/2022
991/1368/22 HACC 13/04/2022 Decision on temporary access
991/625/22 HACC AC 14/04/2022
991/625/22 HACC AC 14/04/2022
991/754/22 HACC 06/05/2022
991/754/22 HACC 10/05/2022
991/754/22 HACC 13/05/2022
991/754/22 HACC 13/05/2022
991/754/22 HACC AC 24/05/2022 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/754/22 HACC AC 25/05/2022 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/754/22 HACC AC 27/05/2022
991/754/22 HACC 14/06/2022
991/754/22 HACC 27/06/2022
991/754/22 HACC AC 27/06/2022 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail, Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/754/22 HACC AC 27/06/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals, On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/754/22 HACC 27/06/2022
991/2386/22 HACC 14/07/2022
991/2386/22 HACC 14/07/2022
991/754/22 HACC AC 19/07/2022 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/2666/22 HACC 26/07/2022
991/2590/22 HACC 29/07/2022
991/2590/22 HACC 29/07/2022
991/754/22 HACC AC 03/08/2022
991/2666/22 HACC 11/08/2022
991/2666/22 HACC 11/08/2022
991/2590/22 HACC AC 05/09/2022 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/3856/22 HACC 22/09/2022
991/3856/22 HACC 22/09/2022
991/4071/22 HACC 26/09/2022 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/4071/22 HACC 23/11/2022
991/4071/22 HACC 23/11/2022
991/4071/22 HACC 24/01/2023
991/4071/22 HACC AC 24/01/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/4071/22 HACC 07/02/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 01/03/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 28/03/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 28/03/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 28/03/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 28/03/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 26/04/2023 On the appointment of a trial
991/4071/22 HACC 26/04/2023 On the appointment of a trial
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 16/05/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 09/08/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 09/08/2023
991/4071/22 HACC 17/01/2024
991/4071/22 HACC 17/01/2024
991/4071/22 HACC 25/03/2024
991/4071/22 HACC 25/03/2024
991/4071/22 HACC 01/04/2024
991/4071/22 HACC 01/04/2024