
The case of former SFS official Liudmyla Solotva: Aiding and abetting Nasirov

  • Date of commencement of the case: 18/07/2023
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The case of former SFS official Liudmyla Solotva: Aiding and abetting Nasirov The case of former SFS official Liudmyla Solotva: Aiding and abetting Nasirov

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO suspect former SFS official Liudmyla Solotva of aiding and abetting the scandalous former SFS Chairman Roman Nasirov when he unreasonably extended rent payments to companies of former MP Onyshchenko.

According to the prosecution, Liudmyla Solotva, who was the head of the department at the State Fiscal Service, helped Nasirov make unreasonable decisions regarding companies controlled by Onyshchenko in May 2015 – April 2016. This refers to the former MP's "gas scheme," in which Nasirov allegedly deferred rent payments for the use of subsoil. 

As a result, the budget lost about UAH 2 billion. According to the NABU, Onyshchenko's scheme involved selling Ukrgasvydobuvannya's gas to controlled companies on fictitious exchanges at reduced prices. Read more about this case here.

Liudmyla Solotva is charged as an accomplice under Article 364(2) and Article 366(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

  • Proceeding No.: 52017000000000523
  • Case No.: 991/6322/23 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/8554/20, 991/8570/20, 991/129/23, 991/6663/22, 991/1611/23, 991/1402/23, 991/3131/23, 991/3479/23, 991/5080/23
  • Incriminated: Article 364, part 2
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Bitsiuk A.V., Sikora K.O., Maslov V.V., Moisak S.M.



Former SFS official Liudmyla Solotva is accused of aiding and abetting Roman Nasirov, who is involved in the "gas schemes" of fugitive ex-MP Oleksandr Onyshchenko.

  • May 2015 – April 2016
    Liudmyla Solotva allegedly committed illegal actions to assist Nasirov, who deferred rent payments for Onyshchenko's companies
  • pic
    December 21, 2022
    the NABU and the SAPO served Liudmyla Solotva with a notice of suspicion
  • January 2, 2023
    The HACC set bail for Solotva at more than UAH 198,000
  • January 24, 2023
    The HACC temporarily suspended Solotva from office
  • July 26, 2023
    The HACC scheduled the case for consideration on the merits

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