
Bribery case against MP Anatolii Hunko

  • Date of commencement of the case: 22/02/2024
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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Bribery case against MP Anatolii Hunko Bribery case against MP Anatolii Hunko

Case description

NABU and SAPO accused MP Anatolii Hunko of receiving an USD 85,000 bribe for leasing state land in the Rivne region.

According to the investigation, Hunko received a bribe for offering to help the director of an agricultural company to provide 1,700 hectares of state-owned land in the Rivne region for use.

For each hectare, the MP asked to pay USD 100 officially to the account of the state enterprise and USD 130-150 to him personally. He was supposed to divide the bribe between himself, the "law enforcement officers" and the head of the local executive body.

According to the investigation, the total amount of bribe that Hunko planned to receive was USD 221,000, and NABU detectives caught him receiving USD 85,000.

The NABU and the SAPO classified Hunko's actions under Article 368(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and his two accomplices, trustee Ivasyk and assistant Kalinichenko, under Article 27(5), Article 368(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

  • Proceeding No.: 42023000000000791
  • Case No.: 991/1304/24 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/4947/23, 991/6853/23, 991/6855/23, 991/6851/23, 991/6850/23, 991/6895/23, 991/6897/23, 991/6894/23, 991/6896/23, 991/6898/23, 991/6893/23, 991/6972/23, 991/7007/23, 991/7055/23, 991/7401/23, 991/7399/23, 991/7400/23, 991/7376/23, 991/7054/23, 991/7053/23, 991/7056/23, 991/7058/23, 991/7412/23, 991/7370/23, 991/8184/23, 991/8322/23, 991/8177/23, 991/8622/23, 991/8647/23, 991/7057/23, 991/9456/23, 991/9622/23, 991/9625/23, 991/9624/23, 991/9623/23, 991/9747/23, 991/9744/23, 991/9746/23, 991/9745/23, 991/9961/23, 991/9985/23, 991/10001/23, 991/9999/23, 991/10000/23, 991/10388/23, 991/10387/23, 991/10386/23, 991/10191/23, 991/10822/23, 991/1126/24, 991/10358/24
  • Incriminated: Article 368, part 4, Article 369, part 3, Article 369-2, part 2, Article 190, part 5
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Kryklyva T.H.



MP Anatolii Hunko allegedly organized a scheme to lease state land for bribes. He was caught receiving USD 85,000.

  • pic
    August 8, 2023
    Hunko and his accomplices were detained for receiving USD 85,000 in bribes.
  • pic
    August 9, 2023
    the NABU and the SAPO served Hunko with a suspicion notice.
  • pic
    August 9, 2023
    The HACC took the MP into custody with an alternative of UAH 30 million bail.
  • August 29, 2023
    The HACC Appeals Chamber upheld Hunko's interim measure
  • pic
    October 4, 2023
    The HACC extended the term of an interim measure for Anatolii Hunko — arrest with an alternative of UAH 10 million bail.
  • December 4, 2023
    The NABU completed the investigation in the case.
  • April 15, 2024
    The HACC arrested Ivasiuk in absentia.
  • February 19, 2024
    The SAPO referred the case to the HACC.
  • April 25, 2024
    The HACC fined Hunko UAH 3,000 for failure to appear in court.
  • November 5, 2024
    The court extended the obligations imposed on Hunko
  • February 14, 2025
    The HACC reduced Hunko's bail to UAH 7.5 million

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/4947/23 HACC 08/06/2023
991/6853/23 HACC 04/08/2023
991/6855/23 HACC 04/08/2023
991/6851/23 HACC 04/08/2023
991/6850/23 HACC 04/08/2023
991/6895/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6897/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6894/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6896/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6898/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6893/23 HACC 07/08/2023
991/6972/23 HACC AC 16/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7007/23 HACC AC 22/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7055/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7055/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7401/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7399/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7400/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7376/23 HACC 22/08/2023
991/7054/23 HACC AC 23/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7053/23 HACC AC 23/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7056/23 HACC AC 23/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7058/23 HACC AC 23/08/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/7412/23 HACC 23/08/2023
991/6972/23 HACC AC 28/08/2023 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/6972/23 HACC 29/08/2023
991/6972/23 HACC 29/08/2023
991/7007/23 HACC 29/08/2023
991/7007/23 HACC 29/08/2023
991/6972/23 HACC AC 29/08/2023
991/7007/23 HACC AC 29/08/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6972/23 HACC AC 29/08/2023
991/7007/23 HACC AC 29/08/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/7053/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7056/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7056/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7058/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7053/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7058/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7054/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7054/23 HACC 30/08/2023
991/7056/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7054/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7058/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7053/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7058/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7053/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7054/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7056/23 HACC AC 30/08/2023
991/7370/23 HACC 31/08/2023
991/8184/23 HACC 18/09/2023 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/8184/23 HACC 19/09/2023 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/8184/23 HACC 19/09/2023 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/8322/23 HACC 21/09/2023
991/8177/23 HACC 28/09/2023 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/8177/23 HACC 28/09/2023 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/8322/23 HACC 02/10/2023
991/8322/23 HACC 02/10/2023
991/8622/23 HACC 03/10/2023 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/8647/23 HACC 03/10/2023
991/7057/23 HACC 05/10/2023
991/7057/23 HACC 05/10/2023
991/8622/23 HACC AC 10/10/2023 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
991/8622/23 HACC 27/10/2023
991/8622/23 HACC 27/10/2023
991/8622/23 HACC AC 27/10/2023
991/8622/23 HACC AC 27/10/2023
991/9456/23 HACC 01/11/2023
991/9456/23 HACC 01/11/2023
991/9622/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9625/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9624/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9623/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9622/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9625/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9623/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9624/23 HACC 03/11/2023
991/9747/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9744/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9746/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9745/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9747/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9745/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9744/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9746/23 HACC 07/11/2023
991/9961/23 HACC 15/11/2023
991/9985/23 HACC 15/11/2023
991/10001/23 HACC 16/11/2023
991/9999/23 HACC 16/11/2023
991/10000/23 HACC 16/11/2023
991/10388/23 HACC 01/12/2023
991/10387/23 HACC 01/12/2023
991/10386/23 HACC 01/12/2023
991/10191/23 HACC 06/12/2023 Decision on temporary access
991/10191/23 HACC 06/12/2023 Decision on temporary access
991/10822/23 HACC 14/12/2023
991/10822/23 HACC 14/12/2023
991/1126/24 HACC 12/02/2024
991/1126/24 HACC 12/02/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 22/02/2024 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1304/24 HACC AC 04/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 05/03/2024 On the appointment of a trial, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 05/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC AC 08/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC AC 08/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 11/03/2024 On the appointment of a trial, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 11/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 14/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 15/03/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 25/04/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 26/04/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 26/04/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 26/04/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 07/06/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 07/06/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 18/07/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 18/07/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 16/09/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 17/09/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 18/09/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 28/10/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 29/10/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 29/10/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 05/11/2024 On the suspension of court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 05/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 05/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 05/11/2024 On the suspension of court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 19/11/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 22/11/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 22/11/2024 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/1304/24 HACC 26/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 26/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 28/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 28/11/2024
991/1304/24 HACC 23/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 23/01/2025
991/1304/24 HACC 23/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1304/24 HACC 23/01/2025
991/1304/24 HACC 14/02/2025 Decision on the return of bail
991/1304/24 HACC 14/02/2025 Decision on the return of bail
991/10358/24 HACC 25/02/2025
991/1304/24 HACC 27/02/2025