
The case of more than UAH 3 million in losses to Ukrinmash

  • Date of commencement of the case: 09/06/2022
  • Instance: HACC AC
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The case of more than UAH 3 million in losses to Ukrinmash The case of more than UAH 3 million in losses to Ukrinmash
  • Proceeding No.: 52018000000000385
  • Case No.: 991/1870/22 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 4910/15/19-к, 991/3342/20, 991/5316/20, 991/8386/20, 991/8786/20, 991/8785/20, 991/8792/20, 991/8788/20, 991/8791/20, 991/8790/20, 991/8787/20, 991/251/21, 991/2417/21, 991/2416/21, 991/2573/21, 991/717/22, 991/2826/21, 991/2823/21, 991/2824/21, 991/2818/21, 991/2821/21, 991/2817/21, 991/2822/21, 991/2820/21, 991/2819/21, 991/2825/21, 991/2828/21, 991/2829/21, 991/2827/21, 991/2835/21, 991/2836/21, 991/2834/21, 991/2972/21, 991/2973/21, 991/2974/21, 991/2816/21, 991/2976/21, 991/3467/21, 991/2978/21, 991/2975/21, 991/4037/21, 991/4135/21, 991/4128/21, 991/4130/21, 991/4127/21, 991/4125/21, 991/4124/21, 991/4131/21, 991/4099/21, 991/4349/21, 991/4823/21, 991/5239/21, 991/5240/21, 991/5330/21, 991/5577/21, 991/5575/21, 991/5576/21, 991/5574/21, 991/5746/21, 991/5880/21, 991/5881/21, 991/6421/21, 991/6600/21, 991/6597/21, 991/6829/21, 991/7004/21, 991/7005/21, 991/7006/21, 991/7013/21, 991/7010/21, 991/7011/21, 991/7012/21, 991/8274/21, 991/8275/21, 991/8273/21, 991/8416/21, 991/8415/21, 991/8413/21, 991/8414/21
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2, Article 366, part 1
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Nykyforov A.S.


Panel of judges: Kravchuk O.O.

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
4910/15/19-к HACC 06/09/2019
4910/15/19-к HACC 06/09/2019
4910/15/19-к HACC 06/09/2019 Decision on temporary access
4910/15/19-к HACC 11/10/2019
4910/15/19-к HACC 15/10/2019
991/3342/20 HACC 27/04/2020
991/3342/20 HACC 04/05/2020
991/5316/20 HACC 08/07/2020
991/8386/20 HACC 15/10/2020
991/8386/20 HACC 15/10/2020
991/8786/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8785/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8792/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8788/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8791/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8790/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/8787/20 HACC 23/10/2020
991/251/21 HACC 19/01/2021
991/2417/21 HACC 08/04/2021
991/2416/21 HACC 08/04/2021
991/2417/21 HACC 08/04/2021
991/2416/21 HACC 08/04/2021
991/2573/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/2573/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/717/22 HACC 21/04/2021
991/2826/21 HACC 22/04/2021
991/2823/21 HACC 22/04/2021
991/2824/21 HACC 22/04/2021
991/2824/21 HACC 22/04/2021
991/2818/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2821/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2817/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2822/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2818/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2821/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2817/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2822/21 HACC 27/04/2021
991/2820/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2819/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2819/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2820/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2825/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2828/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2829/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2827/21 HACC 28/04/2021
991/2835/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2835/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2836/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2836/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2834/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2834/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2972/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2973/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2974/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2972/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2973/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2974/21 HACC 06/05/2021
991/2816/21 HACC 11/05/2021
991/2816/21 HACC 11/05/2021
991/2820/21 HACC AC 19/05/2021
991/2820/21 HACC AC 19/05/2021
991/2976/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/2976/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/3467/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/2976/21 HACC AC 25/05/2021
991/2976/21 HACC AC 25/05/2021
991/2978/21 HACC 27/05/2021
991/2978/21 HACC 27/05/2021
991/2978/21 HACC AC 27/05/2021 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2978/21 HACC AC 27/05/2021 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2975/21 HACC 01/06/2021
991/2975/21 HACC 01/06/2021
991/2975/21 HACC AC 01/06/2021 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2975/21 HACC AC 01/06/2021 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/3467/21 HACC AC 03/06/2021
991/3467/21 HACC AC 03/06/2021
991/4037/21 HACC 17/06/2021
991/4037/21 HACC 17/06/2021
991/4037/21 HACC 18/06/2021 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/4135/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4128/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4130/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4127/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4125/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4124/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4131/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4124/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4127/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4125/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4037/21 HACC 18/06/2021 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/4131/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4130/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4135/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4128/21 HACC 18/06/2021
991/4099/21 HACC 24/06/2021
991/4099/21 HACC 24/06/2021
991/4349/21 HACC 06/07/2021 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/4349/21 HACC 06/07/2021 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/4823/21 HACC 20/07/2021
991/4823/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/4823/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/4823/21 HACC AC 02/08/2021
991/4823/21 HACC AC 02/08/2021
991/5239/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/5240/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/5239/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/5240/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/5330/21 HACC 09/08/2021
991/5330/21 HACC 09/08/2021
991/5577/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5575/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5576/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5574/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5574/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5575/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5576/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5577/21 HACC 18/08/2021
991/5746/21 HACC 19/08/2021
991/5746/21 HACC 28/08/2021
991/5746/21 HACC 28/08/2021
991/5880/21 HACC 01/09/2021
991/5881/21 HACC 01/09/2021
991/5880/21 HACC 01/09/2021
991/5881/21 HACC 01/09/2021
991/5746/21 HACC 02/09/2021
991/5746/21 HACC 02/09/2021
991/6421/21 HACC 17/09/2021
991/6600/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/6597/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/6600/21 HACC 29/09/2021
991/6597/21 HACC 29/09/2021
991/6600/21 HACC 29/09/2021
991/6597/21 HACC 29/09/2021
991/6421/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6829/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6829/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6421/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/7004/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7005/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7006/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7005/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7004/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7006/21 HACC 13/10/2021
991/7013/21 HACC 18/10/2021
991/7013/21 HACC 18/10/2021
991/7010/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7011/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7012/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7012/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7011/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7010/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/6600/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/6421/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/6597/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/6600/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/6597/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/6421/21 HACC AC 22/10/2021
991/8274/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8275/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8273/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8273/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8275/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8274/21 HACC 09/12/2021
991/8416/21 HACC 14/12/2021
991/8416/21 HACC 14/12/2021
991/8415/21 HACC 15/12/2021
991/8415/21 HACC 15/12/2021
991/8413/21 HACC 16/12/2021
991/8414/21 HACC 16/12/2021
991/8414/21 HACC 16/12/2021
991/8414/21 HACC 16/12/2021
991/8413/21 HACC 16/12/2021
991/717/22 HACC 07/02/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 09/06/2022 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1870/22 HACC 09/06/2022 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1870/22 HACC AC 13/06/2022
991/1870/22 HACC AC 13/06/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 08/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 08/09/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 09/11/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 09/11/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 21/12/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 21/12/2022
991/1870/22 HACC 12/04/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 12/04/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 12/04/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 12/04/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 08/05/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 08/05/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 28/06/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 28/06/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 04/07/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 04/07/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 21/09/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 25/09/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 25/09/2023
991/1870/22 HACC 12/10/2023 Decision on temporary access
991/1870/22 HACC 12/10/2023 Decision on temporary access
991/1870/22 HACC 11/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 11/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 11/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 11/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 25/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 25/01/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 11/03/2024
991/1870/22 HACC 16/05/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1870/22 HACC 16/05/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1870/22 HACC 18/11/2024 Verdicts
991/1870/22 HACC AC 25/12/2024 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 25/12/2024 On leaving the appeal without action
991/1870/22 HACC AC 27/12/2024 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 31/12/2024 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 02/01/2025 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 06/01/2025 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
991/1870/22 HACC AC 10/01/2025 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 10/01/2025 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 14/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 15/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 15/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 20/01/2025 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
991/1870/22 HACC AC 22/01/2025
991/1870/22 HACC AC 24/01/2025 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing