
Case of Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry: bribe to Oleksandr Levkivskyi and Yurii Marysyk

  • Date of commencement of the case: 27/09/2019
  • Instance: CCC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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Case of Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry: bribe to Oleksandr Levkivskyi and Yurii Marysyk Case of Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry: bribe to Oleksandr Levkivskyi and Yurii Marysyk

Case description

On August 28, 2020, the HACC found Oleksandr Levkivskyi, acting director of the Rzhyshchiv Forestry Enterprise, and his accomplice Yurii Marysyk guilty of receiving a bribe of USD 10,000 for influencing the head of the Kyiv Forestry Administration to provide land for use. After the final consideration of the case in the appellate instance, they were sentenced to 6 and 5 years in prison, respectively, with confiscation of property. 

In winter 2016, the acting director of the state enterprise Rzhyshchiv Military Forestry Levkivskyi, in prior agreement with Marysyk, offered another person to contribute to the provision of land for long-term use for the appropriate payment. Having previously agreed on the amount, Levkivskyi assured that the letter of approval from the local administration was ready, and he would be able to transfer it as soon as he received the amount. When receiving USD 10,000, Marysyk was caught by law enforcement officers. 

The actions of Levkivskyi, the head of the forestry enterprise, were qualified by the first instance of the HACC under Article 368, part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Article 369-2, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine; he was imprisoned for 4 years and banned from holding certain positions for 3 years.

Marysyk's crime was qualified under Art. 27, part 5, Art. 368, part 1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine and Art. 369-2, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. He was sentenced to 3 years in prison and additionally deprived of the right to hold certain positions for 2 years.

On March 17, 2021, the appellate instance exempted both Levkivskyi and Marysyk from liability for abuse of influence due to the expiration of the statute of limitations

Instead, in another part of the verdict, the appeal changed the qualification of the defendants' actions to Art. 368, part 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (that is, receiving a bribe in a large amount), since the first instance incorrectly calculated the amount of the bribe. Therefore, the punishment also changed: for Levkivskyi — 6 years in prison with confiscation of property and deprivation of the right to hold certain positions for 3 years, for Marysyk — 5 years with confiscation. 

The Supreme Court left the cassation appeal from Levkivskyi without consideration because it did not meet the requirements.

In May 2024, Marysyk was released on parole to serve in the army under a contract. This was achieved after the new Article 81-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine was introduced.

  • Proceeding No.: 42016101070000035
  • Case No.: 758/11219/16-к
  • Incriminated: Article 369-2, part 2, Article 368, part 3, Article 368, part 1
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Yeremeichuk S.V.


Panel of judges: Mykhailenko D.H., Semennykov O.Yu., Kaluhina I.O.


Panel of judges: Mykhailenko D.H., Semennykov O.Yu., Kaluhina I.O.



The director of a forestry enterprise Levkivskyi and his accomplice Marysyk tried to “sell” the land for use for a bribe, for which both were imprisoned.

  • pic
    March 10, 2016
    law enforcement officers caught accomplice Marysyk red-handed while receiving the bribe
  • September 24, 2019
    the Podilskyi Court of Kyiv referred the case to the HACC
  • pic
    August 28, 2020
    the HACC convicted Levkivskyi and Marysyk; both were sentenced to 4 and 3 years in prison, respectively
  • March 17, 2021
    the HACC Appeals Chamber partially exempted both defendants from liability due to the expiration of the statute of limitations
  • pic
    April 29, 2021
    the HACC Appeals Chamber changed the verdict of the first instance and sentenced Levkivskyi and Marysyk for a more severe crime to 6 and 5 years of imprisonment with confiscation of property and deprivingLevkivskyi of the right to hold certain positions for 3 years.
  • May 22, 2024
    The Shevchenkiv District Court of Kyiv released Marysyk on parole for contract service in the army

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
758/11219/16-к HACC 27/09/2019 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
758/11219/16-к HACC 25/10/2019 On the appointment of a trial
758/11219/16-к HACC 31/10/2019
758/11219/16-к HACC 11/08/2020
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 05/10/2020 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 19/10/2020 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/01/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 11/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 11/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/02/2021 On the appointment of a new trial in the court of the first instance
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 13/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 13/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 18/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 18/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 18/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 18/02/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/03/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/03/2021 Decision on closing the criminal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/03/2021 Decision on closing the criminal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/03/2021 Decision on closing the criminal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/03/2021 Decision on closing the criminal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC 29/04/2021 Verdicts
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 29/04/2021 Verdicts, Decision on partial granting of appeals
758/11219/16-к HACC 02/06/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 02/06/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 02/06/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 07/06/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 07/06/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 23/06/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 28/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 29/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC 29/07/2021
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/08/2021 On leaving the appeal without action
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 27/08/2021 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к CCC 01/09/2021 On the return of the cassation appeal
758/11219/16-к CCC 01/09/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
758/11219/16-к CCC 01/09/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
758/11219/16-к CCC 01/09/2021 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 02/09/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 02/09/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 20/09/2021 On the return of the cassation appeal
758/11219/16-к CCC 23/09/2021 On the opening of cassation proceedings
758/11219/16-к CCC 23/09/2021 Decision on the reclamation of materials
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 05/10/2021 On closing appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 05/10/2021 On closing appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к CCC 13/10/2021 On the return of the cassation appeal
758/11219/16-к CCC 09/11/2021 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
758/11219/16-к CCC 22/11/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 30/12/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 30/12/2021
758/11219/16-к CCC 21/02/2022 Resolution to leave the verdict and the AC decision unchanged and not grant the cassation appeal
758/11219/16-к HACC 13/01/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 09/02/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 06/03/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/03/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 17/03/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 24/03/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
758/11219/16-к HACC 13/04/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 14/04/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 25/04/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 25/04/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 12/05/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 22/05/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 07/06/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 09/06/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 13/06/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 13/06/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 15/06/2023 Separate opinion of the HACC AC judge
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 15/06/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 15/06/2023 Decision on partial granting of appeals
758/11219/16-к HACC 03/07/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 06/07/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 10/07/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 11/07/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 26/07/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 02/08/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 03/08/2023 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 07/08/2023 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
758/11219/16-к HACC 09/08/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 09/08/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 09/08/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 09/08/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/08/2023 Completion of the preparation and appointment of the appeal hearing
758/11219/16-к HACC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 06/09/2023
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 10/11/2023
758/11219/16-к CCC 18/12/2023 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 19/12/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 20/12/2023 Opening of appeal proceedings
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 26/12/2023
758/11219/16-к CCC 29/01/2024 On the return of the cassation appeal
758/11219/16-к HACC 30/01/2024
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 30/01/2024
758/11219/16-к HACC AC 30/01/2024