
The case of former Deputy Prime Minister Andrii Kliuyev

  • Date of commencement of the case: 19/10/2023
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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The case of former Deputy Prime Minister Andrii Kliuyev The case of former Deputy Prime Minister Andrii Kliuyev

Case description

Former Deputy Prime Minister Andrii Kliuyev is accused of embezzling almost UAH 200 million of budget funds together with Oleksandr Taran, former head of the State Investment and Innovation Agency. They are facing up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property.

According to detectives, in 2010, Andrii Kliuyev, then First Deputy Prime Minister of Ukraine, allegedly organized the embezzlement of budget funds through controlled enterprises. He engaged Oleksandr Taran, head of the State Investment and Innovation Agency of Ukraine, in the scheme.


The defendants illegally allocated about UAH 170 million in favor of Semiconductor Plant OJSC. Subsequently, another UAH 25.3 million was transferred allegedly for the development of energy-saving technologies. In total, Kliuyev and Taran embezzled more than UAH 195 million to the accounts of controlled firms.

Taran is charged under Article 191, part 5 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, and Kliuyev is charged as an accomplice in the case. The former Deputy Prime Minister was put on the wanted list, his parliamentary immunity was lifted and attempts were made to prosecute him, but according to the SSU, he managed to flee to Russia.


  • Proceeding No.: 42019000000002238
  • Case No.: 991/9195/23 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/3010/19, 991/2497/20, 991/2879/20, 991/3518/20, 991/4251/20, 991/4468/20, 991/7675/20, 991/7982/20, 991/2880/20, 991/1956/21, 991/1629/21, 991/3084/21, 991/4213/21, 991/4026/21, 991/8230/21, 991/3703/22, 991/298/23, 991/300/23, 991/299/23, 991/1741/23, 991/2882/23, 991/3389/23, 991/4130/23, 991/1754/23, 991/3811/23, 991/5113/23, 991/7736/23, 991/8126/23, 991/8259/23, 991/8611/23, 991/8587/23
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2, Article 209, part 3
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Voronko V.D.



Andrii Kliuyev, former Deputy Prime Minister, is accused of embezzling almost UAH 200 million of budget funds together with former head of the State Investment and Innovation Agency Oleksandr Taran.

  • 2010 рік
    Kliuyev, together with the head of the State Investment and Innovations Agency, allegedly embezzled more than UAH 195 million from the national budget
  • pic
    January 23, 2014
    Andrii Kliuyev was served with a suspicion notice
  • pic
    January 15, 2015
    Kliuyev was put on the international wanted list
  • January 3, 2020
    The HACC arrested Kliuyev in absentia
  • February 11, 2020
    The HACC Appeals Chamber overturned Kliuyev’s detention in absentia
  • March 13, 2023
    The HACC allowed pre-trial investigation against Kliuyev in absentia
  • May 17, 2023
    The HACC arrested Kliuyev in absentia
  • June 19, 2023
    The HACC Appeals Chamber took Kliuyev into custody in absentia
  • pic
    October 17, 2023
    The SAPO forwarded an indictment against Kliuyev to the court
  • October 24, 2023
    The first court hearing in the HACC took place

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/3010/19 HACC 03/01/2020
991/3010/19 HACC 03/01/2020
991/3010/19 HACC AC 04/02/2020
991/2497/20 HACC 19/03/2020
991/2879/20 HACC 06/04/2020
991/2879/20 HACC 06/04/2020
991/3518/20 HACC 05/05/2020
991/2497/20 HACC AC 13/05/2020
991/2497/20 HACC AC 13/05/2020
991/3518/20 HACC AC 18/05/2020
991/3518/20 HACC AC 18/05/2020
991/3518/20 HACC AC 18/05/2020
991/4251/20 HACC 27/05/2020
991/4468/20 HACC 03/06/2020
991/4251/20 HACC AC 12/06/2020 Complaint about the non-compliance with reasonable time limits during pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
991/4251/20 HACC AC 12/06/2020 Complaint about the non-compliance with reasonable time limits during pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
991/4251/20 HACC AC 16/06/2020
991/3518/20 CCC 18/06/2020 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/4468/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/4468/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/4251/20 HACC 28/07/2020
991/7675/20 HACC 17/09/2020
991/7675/20 HACC 17/09/2020
991/7982/20 HACC 28/09/2020
991/7982/20 HACC 30/09/2020
991/7982/20 HACC 30/09/2020
991/7982/20 HACC 09/10/2020
991/2880/20 HACC 26/02/2021
991/1956/21 HACC 23/03/2021
991/1629/21 HACC 30/03/2021
991/1629/21 HACC 30/03/2021
991/1956/21 HACC AC 08/04/2021
991/1956/21 HACC AC 08/04/2021
991/3084/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/3084/21 HACC 26/05/2021
991/3084/21 HACC 26/05/2021
991/4213/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4026/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4026/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4213/21 HACC 01/07/2021
991/4213/21 HACC 01/07/2021
991/8230/21 HACC 10/12/2021
991/8230/21 HACC 10/12/2021
991/8230/21 HACC 11/04/2022
991/8230/21 HACC 11/04/2022
991/3703/22 HACC AC 24/10/2022 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/3703/22 CCC 30/01/2023
991/298/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/300/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/299/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/298/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/300/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/299/23 HACC 10/02/2023
991/1741/23 HACC 03/03/2023
991/1741/23 HACC 03/03/2023
991/1741/23 HACC 13/03/2023
991/1741/23 HACC 13/03/2023
991/1741/23 HACC AC 06/04/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/2882/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/2882/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/3389/23 HACC 21/04/2023
991/3389/23 HACC 21/04/2023
991/4130/23 HACC 18/05/2023
991/4130/23 HACC 18/05/2023
991/1754/23 HACC 23/05/2023
991/1754/23 HACC 23/05/2023
991/1754/23 HACC AC 23/05/2023
991/1754/23 HACC AC 23/05/2023
991/3811/23 HACC 19/06/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/3811/23 HACC 19/06/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/3811/23 HACC AC 19/06/2023
991/3811/23 HACC AC 19/06/2023
991/1741/23 CCC 28/06/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/5113/23 HACC 10/07/2023
991/5113/23 HACC 10/07/2023
991/7736/23 HACC 13/09/2023
991/7736/23 HACC 13/09/2023
991/8126/23 HACC 29/09/2023
991/8259/23 HACC 29/09/2023
991/8259/23 HACC 29/09/2023
991/8126/23 HACC 29/09/2023
991/8611/23 HACC 10/10/2023
991/8587/23 HACC 10/10/2023
991/8611/23 HACC 10/10/2023
991/8587/23 HACC 10/10/2023
991/9195/23 HACC 19/10/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/9195/23 HACC 24/10/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/9195/23 HACC 24/10/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/9195/23 HACC 21/11/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/9195/23 HACC 21/11/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/9195/23 HACC 07/12/2023
991/9195/23 HACC 07/12/2023
991/9195/23 HACC 09/02/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 09/02/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 07/06/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 07/06/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 07/06/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 07/06/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 19/11/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 19/11/2024
991/9195/23 HACC 14/01/2025
991/9195/23 HACC 14/01/2025