
The case of Ihor Shcherbyna, former department head at PGO: 6 years for bribing former SBI head

  • Date of commencement of the case: 25/05/2022
  • Instance: HACC AC
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The case of Ihor Shcherbyna, former department head at PGO: 6 years for bribing former SBI head The case of Ihor Shcherbyna, former department head at PGO: 6 years for bribing former SBI head

Case description

The HACC convicted Ihor Shcherbyna, former head of the Main Investigative Department of the Prosecutor General's Office, for fraud, incitement to bribery, and unlawful handling of weapons. He was imprisoned for 6 years with confiscation of property.

According to the case file, Ihor Shcherbyna, being a close friend of the SBI head, in collusion with an intermediary, developed a fraudulent scheme. They tried to persuade the representatives of the Edelburg Development construction company to pay USD 150,000 allegedly to Roman Truba, SBI head, for closing criminal proceedings.

In November-December 2019, Shcherbyna personally met with the head of the company, convincing him of the need to transfer funds. On December 2, the intermediary received the first part of the bribe—USD 75,000. The money was exchanged for bills with different serial numbers, after which it was handed over to Shcherbyna.

In addition, since 2016, Shcherbyna had illegally kept a gifted Czech-made pistol in his apartment.

The official's actions were qualified under Art. 190(4), Art. 369(4) and Art. 263(1) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The HACC sentenced him to 6 years of imprisonment with confiscation of part of the property and deprivation of the rank of senior advisor of justice.

  • Proceeding No.: 52019000000001035
  • Case No.: 991/1710/22 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/2267/19, 991/320/20, 991/148/20, 991/636/20, 991/690/20, 991/933/20, 991/693/20, 991/1275/20, 991/1413/20, 991/1493/20, 991/1591/20, 991/1590/20, 991/2396/20, 991/2397/20, 991/2814/20, 991/3213/20, 991/3219/20, 991/3210/20, 991/3217/20, 991/3687/20, 991/4084/20, 991/4218/20, 991/4217/20, 991/4636/20, 991/4479/20, 991/5101/20, 991/4992/20, 991/5292/20, 991/6204/20, 991/6154/20, 991/6153/20, 991/6466/20, 991/7882/20, 991/9121/20, 991/841/21, 991/1037/21, 991/1121/21, 991/1813/21, 991/448/22
  • Incriminated: Article 369, part 4, Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2, Article 369-2, part 1, Article 190, part 4, Article 263, part 1
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Chornenka D.S.


Panel of judges: Strohyi I.L.



Ihor Shcherbyna, a former high-ranking official of the PGO, was sentenced to 6 years in prison for fraud and an attempt to persuade a private firm to bribe the SBI director for USD 150,000.

  • November 28, 2019
    The court granted permission to conduct secret investigative actions regarding Shcherbyna
  • December 2, 2019
    Shcherbyna received the first part of the bribe (USD 75,000)
  • pic
    December 3, 2019
    Shcherbyna was detained and served with the suspicion notice
  • pic
    December 5, 2019
    The court took Shcherbyna into custody with the right to deposit more than UAH 2 million in bail
  • December 9, 2019
    Shcherbyna was released from custody on bail
  • pic
    July 16, 2020
    Shcherbyna was served with a new suspicion notice of illegal handling of weapons
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    July 30, 2024
    The HACC found Ihor Shcherbyna guilty and sentenced him to 6 years in prison with partial confiscation of property
  • November 26, 2024
    HACC AC upheld the verdict

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 02/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 05/12/2019 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2267/19 HACC 05/12/2019 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2267/19 HACC 05/12/2019 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2267/19 HACC 05/12/2019 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2267/19 HACC 06/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 06/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 06/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 06/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 09/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 09/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 10/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 10/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 17/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 17/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC AC 17/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC AC 17/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 19/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 19/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 20/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 20/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 23/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 23/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 23/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 23/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 24/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 26/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 26/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 26/12/2019
991/2267/19 HACC 26/12/2019
991/320/20 HACC 13/01/2020
991/148/20 HACC 14/01/2020
991/2267/19 HACC 15/01/2020
991/2267/19 HACC 15/01/2020
991/148/20 HACC 17/01/2020
991/636/20 HACC 28/01/2020
991/636/20 HACC 28/01/2020
991/690/20 HACC 30/01/2020
991/690/20 HACC 30/01/2020
991/933/20 HACC 31/01/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/933/20 HACC 31/01/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/693/20 HACC 03/02/2020
991/693/20 HACC 03/02/2020
991/1275/20 HACC 13/02/2020
991/1413/20 HACC 17/02/2020
991/1493/20 HACC 26/02/2020
991/1493/20 HACC 26/02/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/1493/20 HACC 26/02/2020
991/1493/20 HACC 26/02/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/1591/20 HACC 27/02/2020
991/1591/20 HACC 27/02/2020
991/1590/20 HACC 27/02/2020
991/1590/20 HACC 27/02/2020
991/1591/20 HACC 27/02/2020
991/1413/20 HACC AC 13/03/2020
991/1413/20 HACC AC 13/03/2020
991/2396/20 HACC 25/03/2020
991/2397/20 HACC 25/03/2020
991/2814/20 HACC 10/04/2020
991/3213/20 HACC 22/04/2020
991/3219/20 HACC 23/04/2020
991/3210/20 HACC 23/04/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/3219/20 HACC 23/04/2020
991/3210/20 HACC 23/04/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/3217/20 HACC 24/04/2020
991/1590/20 HACC 06/05/2020
991/3687/20 HACC 13/05/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/3687/20 HACC 13/05/2020 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/4084/20 HACC 26/05/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/4084/20 HACC 26/05/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/4218/20 HACC 27/05/2020
991/4218/20 HACC 27/05/2020
991/2267/19 HACC 28/05/2020
991/2267/19 HACC AC 28/05/2020 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4217/20 HACC 28/05/2020
991/4217/20 HACC 28/05/2020
991/2267/19 HACC AC 28/05/2020 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4636/20 HACC 09/06/2020
991/4479/20 HACC 11/06/2020
991/4479/20 HACC 11/06/2020
991/5101/20 HACC 23/06/2020
991/4992/20 HACC 23/06/2020
991/4636/20 HACC 30/06/2020
991/4636/20 HACC 30/06/2020
991/5292/20 HACC 01/07/2020
991/5292/20 HACC 01/07/2020
991/5292/20 HACC 01/07/2020
991/2267/19 HACC AC 21/07/2020 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2267/19 HACC AC 21/07/2020 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6204/20 HACC 27/07/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/6154/20 HACC 27/07/2020
991/6204/20 HACC 27/07/2020 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/6154/20 HACC 27/07/2020
991/6153/20 HACC 28/07/2020
991/6153/20 HACC 28/07/2020
991/6466/20 HACC 13/08/2020
991/6466/20 HACC 13/08/2020
991/4636/20 HACC AC 10/09/2020
991/5101/20 HACC AC 10/09/2020 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/5292/20 HACC AC 10/09/2020
991/5101/20 HACC 15/09/2020
991/7882/20 HACC 23/09/2020
991/9121/20 HACC 06/11/2020
991/9121/20 HACC 09/11/2020
991/9121/20 HACC 09/11/2020
991/841/21 HACC 11/02/2021 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/841/21 HACC 11/02/2021 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1037/21 HACC 17/02/2021
991/1037/21 HACC 17/02/2021
991/1121/21 HACC 05/03/2021
991/1813/21 HACC 16/03/2021 Decision on the return of bail
991/448/22 HACC 14/02/2022
991/448/22 HACC 22/02/2022
991/1710/22 HACC 25/05/2022 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1710/22 HACC AC 31/05/2022
991/1710/22 HACC AC 03/06/2022
991/1710/22 HACC AC 03/06/2022 Separate opinion of the HACC AC judge
991/1710/22 HACC AC 03/06/2022
991/1710/22 HACC 08/06/2022
991/1710/22 HACC 08/06/2022
991/1710/22 HACC 21/09/2022 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 21/09/2022 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 08/12/2022 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 08/12/2022 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 20/12/2022
991/1710/22 HACC 19/04/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 19/04/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1710/22 HACC 26/06/2024 Verdicts, Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/1710/22 HACC AC 31/07/2024 On leaving the appeal without action
991/1710/22 HACC AC 05/08/2024 Opening of appeal proceedings
991/1710/22 HACC AC 06/08/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 09/08/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 09/08/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 15/08/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 04/11/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 04/11/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 04/11/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 04/11/2024
991/1710/22 HACC AC 26/11/2024 On non-granting of the appeal and leaving the verdict unchanged
991/1710/22 HACC AC 26/11/2024 On non-granting of the appeal and leaving the verdict unchanged