
USD 200,000 bribe for the NABU and the SAPO: a case of lawyer Oleksii Nosov

  • Date of commencement of the case: 13/06/2024
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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USD 200,000 bribe for the NABU and the SAPO: a case of lawyer Oleksii Nosov USD 200,000 bribe for the NABU and the SAPO: a case of lawyer Oleksii Nosov

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO suspect a lawyer Oleksii Nosov of proposing a bribe amounting to USD 200,000 for the NABU and the SAPO for the transfer of a case concerning a defendant to another body of pre-trial investigation.

At that time, Nosov was a lawyer in the Miller Law Firm, which represented the interests of Yulia Frolova, chairwoman of the board of the Alliance bank and one of the persons involved in the case regarding the embezzlement of Ukrenergo electric energy and legalization of money obtained through the sale of this energy amounting to UAH 716 million. The improper advantage provided by Nosov entailed that SAPO prosecutors and NABU detectives were to:

  • resume pre-trial investigation in the criminal proceedings;

  • change the classification of Frolova’s acts to another article, which is not within the jurisdiction of the NABU;

  • notify her of the change of the previously served suspicion notice;

  • separate the proceeding concerning Frolova;

  • transfer materials of the proceedings to the National Police.

According to the investigation, Oleksii Nosov planned to make a transfer of improper advantage in two steps: to provide USD 100,000 after the fulfillment of the first four points and  another USD 100,000 upon transfer of the case to the police.

Nosov’s acts were classified under Article 369, clause 3 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. If the charges are proven, he will face up to 8 years of imprisonment with possible confiscation of property.

On June 12th 2024, Nosov was fired from the Miller Law Firm.

  • Proceeding No.: 52024000000000171
  • Case No.: 991/12482/24 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/4826/24, 991/4972/24, 991/5610/24, 991/4899/24, 991/5671/24, 991/6022/24, 991/6283/24, 991/6246/24, 991/6658/24, 991/6302/24, 991/6661/24, 991/7216/24, 991/7942/24, 991/7940/24, 991/7934/24, 991/7941/24, 991/8080/24, 991/8081/24, 991/8100/24, 991/4900/24, 991/8860/24, 991/7689/24, 991/7688/24, 991/7884/24, 991/4932/24, 991/7908/24, 991/7883/24, 991/9193/24, 991/7657/24, 991/9185/24, 991/11158/24, 991/7129/24, 991/11369/24, 991/11823/24, 991/12035/24, 991/11947/24, 991/12101/24, 991/12333/24, 991/12334/24, 991/12437/24, 991/12416/24
  • Incriminated: Article 364-1, part 2, Article 369, part 3
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Moisak S.M.



Lawyer Oleksii Nosov allegedly proposed to provide a USD$ 200,000 bribe amounting to a NABU detective and a SAPO prosecutor for actions in the interests of his client.

  • pic
    April - May 2024
    Oleksii Nosov allegedly proposed to provide a bribe tor the NABU- SAPO employees
  • pic
    June 4, 2024
    Oleksii Nosov was served with a suspicion notice
  • June 6, 2024
    The HACC imposed UAH 12 million bail on Nosov.
  • June 13, 2024
    The HACC AC reduced the amount of Nosov’s bail to UAH 1.2 million
  • November 4, 2024
    The case was referred to the court

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/4826/24 HACC 05/06/2024
991/4826/24 HACC 05/06/2024
991/4826/24 HACC 06/06/2024
991/4826/24 HACC 12/06/2024
991/4826/24 HACC AC 13/06/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4826/24 HACC AC 13/06/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4972/24 HACC 14/06/2024
991/5610/24 HACC 01/07/2024
991/4899/24 HACC 10/07/2024
991/4899/24 HACC 10/07/2024
991/4899/24 HACC AC 10/07/2024
991/4899/24 HACC AC 10/07/2024
991/5671/24 HACC 19/07/2024
991/6022/24 HACC 19/07/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/6022/24 HACC 19/07/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/6283/24 HACC 31/07/2024
991/6283/24 HACC 31/07/2024
991/6246/24 HACC 01/08/2024
991/6246/24 HACC 01/08/2024
991/6658/24 HACC 05/08/2024
991/6658/24 HACC 05/08/2024
991/6302/24 HACC 06/08/2024
991/6658/24 HACC AC 14/08/2024 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/6661/24 HACC 14/08/2024
991/6661/24 HACC 14/08/2024
991/7216/24 HACC 26/08/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7216/24 HACC 26/08/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7942/24 HACC 27/08/2024
991/7940/24 HACC 27/08/2024
991/7934/24 HACC 27/08/2024
991/7941/24 HACC 27/08/2024
991/8080/24 HACC 30/08/2024
991/8081/24 HACC 30/08/2024
991/7934/24 HACC 12/09/2024
991/8100/24 HACC 12/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7934/24 HACC 12/09/2024
991/8080/24 HACC 12/09/2024
991/8100/24 HACC 12/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/5671/24 HACC 17/09/2024
991/5671/24 HACC AC 17/09/2024
991/5671/24 HACC AC 17/09/2024
991/4900/24 HACC 18/09/2024
991/7940/24 HACC 18/09/2024
991/7941/24 HACC 18/09/2024
991/4900/24 HACC AC 18/09/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/7941/24 HACC 18/09/2024
991/4900/24 HACC AC 18/09/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/7940/24 HACC 18/09/2024
991/8860/24 HACC 19/09/2024
991/7689/24 HACC 19/09/2024
991/7688/24 HACC 19/09/2024
991/7884/24 HACC 19/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7884/24 HACC 19/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/4932/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/4932/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/7908/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/7942/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/4932/24 HACC AC 23/09/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4932/24 HACC AC 23/09/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/7942/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/7908/24 HACC 23/09/2024
991/7883/24 HACC 24/09/2024
991/7883/24 HACC 24/09/2024
991/9193/24 HACC 24/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7657/24 HACC 26/09/2024
991/9185/24 HACC 26/09/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/7657/24 HACC 26/09/2024
991/11158/24 HACC 01/10/2024
991/7129/24 HACC 08/10/2024
991/11369/24 HACC 10/10/2024 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/11369/24 HACC 10/10/2024 Decision to cancel the seizure of property
991/6658/24 CCC 14/10/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7908/24 HACC 14/10/2024
991/11823/24 HACC 16/10/2024
991/7908/24 HACC 17/10/2024
991/12035/24 HACC 21/10/2024
991/11947/24 HACC 22/10/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/11947/24 HACC 22/10/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/12101/24 HACC 23/10/2024
991/12101/24 HACC 23/10/2024
991/12035/24 HACC 25/10/2024
991/12333/24 HACC 29/10/2024
991/12334/24 HACC 29/10/2024
991/12437/24 HACC 31/10/2024
991/12333/24 HACC 01/11/2024
991/12334/24 HACC 01/11/2024
991/12437/24 HACC 05/11/2024
991/12437/24 HACC 05/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 07/11/2024 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/7883/24 HACC AC 07/11/2024
991/7883/24 HACC AC 07/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024 On the appointment of a trial
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024 On the appointment of a trial
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 19/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 21/11/2024
991/12416/24 HACC 22/11/2024
991/12482/24 CCC 25/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC AC 26/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 29/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC AC 29/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC AC 29/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 29/11/2024
991/12482/24 HACC 24/01/2025
991/12482/24 HACC 24/01/2025
991/12482/24 HACC 13/02/2025
991/12482/24 HACC 13/02/2025