
The case of misappropriation of UAH 13 billion from Ukrnafta: the first episode

  • The date of the first court decision within a pre-trial investigation: 24/09/2019
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Pre-trial investigation
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The case of misappropriation of UAH 13 billion from Ukrnafta: the first episode The case of misappropriation of UAH 13 billion from Ukrnafta: the first episode

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO suspect the former management of Ukrnafta and directors of a number of companies of embezzling more than UAH 13 billion from an oil and gas company. The case consists of two episodes that took place in 2015. 

Details of the first episode of the case are available in this material. As for the second episode, according to the investigation, auctions for the sale of petroleum products were conducted between March and August 2015.

The awarded participants, namely Prykarpattia-Naftotrade LLC, Techtradegroup LLC, Kotlas LLC, Halnafta LLC, and Harant-UTN LLC, were given the opportunity to buy oil from Ukrnafta. The value of the contracts amounted to UAH 10.7 billion. 

According to the law, Ukrnafta could not supply the products without a full prepayment in advance. However, according to the NABU, the oil products were still delivered in advance, processed at the Kremenchuk Refinery, and subsequently sold. 

In the second episode, in July 2015, Ukrnafta concluded 70 oil product sale and purchase agreements with Kotlas LLC with a total value of over UAH 3.06 billion. The money was spent, but Ukrnafta did not receive any oil products. The detectives claim that the money was transferred offshore through the aforementioned Kotlas LLC, and from there to VTF Avias LLC, and the final recipients were legal entities from Privat Group's orbit. It was then controlled by oligarch Ihor Kolomoiskyi and his business partner Hennadii Boholiubov.

The NABU and the SAPO suspect Oleksandr Kushch, former Chairman of Ukrnafta's Management Board; Natalia Kernytska, former Deputy Head of one of the departments; and Liudmyla Kyianytsia, former Head of one of Ukrnafta's departments, of fraud. In addition, Director of Prykarpattia-Naftotrade LLC Bohdan Zhuk, Director of Techtrade Group LLC Oleksandra Volovodenko, Director of Kotlas LLC Oleksandr Shal, Director of Halnafta LLC Petro Zvieriev and Director of Harant-UTN LLC Oleksandr Holub were served with suspicion notices.

All defendants in the case are charged with Article 191(5) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. In December 2022, four suspects were put on the wanted list.

  • Proceeding No.: 42015000000000722
  • Case No.: 4910/60/19, 760/32037/18, 757/47095/19-к, 760/7677/19, 991/786/20, 991/1234/20, 991/2171/20, 991/3568/20, 760/24541/19, 991/5784/20, 991/6285/20, 991/6286/20, 991/7604/20, 991/10049/20, 991/9974/20, 991/400/21, 991/396/21, 991/654/21, 991/655/21, 991/656/21, 991/780/21, 991/484/21, 991/1335/21, 991/1334/21, 991/1274/21, 991/1475/21, 991/611/21, 991/2006/21, 991/2007/21, 991/2005/21, 991/2009/21, 991/2450/21, 991/3215/21, 991/3217/21, 991/3218/21, 991/3216/21, 991/3327/21, 991/3326/21, 991/3328/21, 991/4312/21, 991/4798/21, 991/4797/21, 991/4799/21, 991/4800/21, 991/4834/21, 991/4831/21, 991/5235/21, 991/5237/21, 991/5236/21, 991/6104/21, 991/7072/21, 991/3367/22, 991/3365/22, 991/3366/22, 991/3363/22, 991/3386/22, 991/3445/22, 991/3387/22, 991/3446/22, 991/3447/22, 991/3744/22, 991/3746/22, 991/3745/22, 991/3742/22, 991/3743/22, 991/3811/22, 991/3812/22, 991/3600/22, 991/4131/22, 991/3595/22, 991/3596/22, 991/3593/22, 991/3937/22, 991/4463/22, 991/4460/22, 991/4883/22, 991/4884/22, 991/5089/22, 991/5013/22, 991/5015/22, 991/5014/22, 991/3597/22, 991/5345/22, 991/5698/22, 991/5844/22, 991/5843/22, 991/6535/22, 991/178/23, 991/316/23, 991/247/23, 991/410/23, 991/411/23, 991/248/23, 991/250/23, 991/1509/23, 991/412/23, 991/249/23, 991/2181/23, 991/2488/23, 991/2228/23, 991/2489/23, 991/2401/23, 991/2337/23, 991/2439/23, 991/4034/23, 991/4281/23, 991/5846/23, 991/6642/23, 991/6643/23
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2, Article 368, part 4, Article 369-2, part 1, Article 209, part 3, Article 366, part 1
The case is at the stage of pre-trial investigation


The case of misappropriation of UAH 13 billion from Ukrnafta: the first episode
  • March-August 2015
    Ukrnafta held auctions and supplied a number of companies with petroleum products worth UAH 10 billion without receiving payment for them in full
  • July 2015
    Ukrnafta paid UAH 3 billion for gasoline that was never delivered, but ended up in offshore accounts
  • pic
    September 2, 2022
    the NABU and the SAPO served a number of people with suspicion notices of embezzlement of over UAH 13.8 billion from Ukrnafta
  • September 17, 2022
    Law enforcement officers conducted a search of Ihor Kolomoiskiy's house
  • September 27, 2022
    The HACC imposed UAH 40 million bail on Oleksii Kushch
  • pic
    December 2022
    the NABU and the SAPO put Oleksandr Shal, Oleksandra Volovedenko, Bohdan Zhuk, and Pavlo Zvieriev on the wanted list
  • January 25, 2023
    The HACC arrested Oleksandr Shal in absentia
  • January 27, 2023
    The HACC arrested Petro Zvieriev in absentia
  • January 30, 2023
    The HACC arrested Bohdan Zhuk in absentia
  • February 2, 2023
    The HACC arrested Oleksandra Volovedenko in absentia
  • August 1, 2023
    the NABU and the SAPO completed pre-trial investigation in the case

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
4910/60/19 HACC 11/09/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 11/09/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/09/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/09/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 16/09/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 16/09/2019
760/32037/18 HACC AC 19/09/2019
757/47095/19-к HACC AC 24/09/2019 On the return of the appeal
760/32037/18 HACC AC 25/09/2019
760/7677/19 HACC AC 01/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 03/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC AC 03/10/2019 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
4910/60/19 HACC 07/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 16/10/2019
4910/60/19 CCC 21/10/2019 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
4910/60/19 HACC 22/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 23/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 25/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 31/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 31/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 31/10/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 01/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 01/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 01/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 01/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 01/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 04/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 04/11/2019
760/32037/18 HACC AC 04/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 04/11/2019
760/32037/18 HACC AC 04/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 05/11/2019
760/7677/19 HACC AC 11/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 13/11/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 03/12/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 28/12/2019
4910/60/19 HACC 21/01/2020
4910/60/19 HACC 21/01/2020
4910/60/19 HACC 21/01/2020
4910/60/19 HACC 21/01/2020
991/786/20 HACC 10/02/2020
991/1234/20 HACC 10/02/2020
991/786/20 HACC 10/02/2020
991/1234/20 HACC 13/02/2020
757/47095/19-к CCC 02/03/2020 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/2171/20 HACC 12/03/2020
991/2171/20 HACC 23/03/2020
991/2171/20 HACC 23/03/2020
757/47095/19-к CCC 08/04/2020
991/786/20 HACC 09/04/2020
991/786/20 HACC 09/04/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 06/05/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 08/05/2020
991/786/20 HACC AC 13/05/2020 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
760/24541/19 CCC 20/05/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 25/05/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 27/05/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 29/05/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 04/06/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 12/06/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 15/06/2020
991/3568/20 HACC 15/06/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 14/07/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 20/07/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 21/07/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 28/07/2020
991/6285/20 HACC 04/08/2020
991/6285/20 HACC 04/08/2020
991/6286/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 07/09/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 10/09/2020
991/7604/20 HACC 10/09/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 02/10/2020
991/7604/20 HACC 06/10/2020
991/7604/20 HACC 06/10/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 07/10/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 12/10/2020
991/5784/20 HACC 12/10/2020
991/7604/20 HACC AC 29/10/2020 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
760/24541/19 CCC 09/11/2020 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
760/24541/19 HACC AC 17/11/2020 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
760/24541/19 CCC 23/11/2020
760/24541/19 CCC 23/11/2020 On leaving the cassation appeal without motion
760/24541/19 CCC 07/12/2020 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/10049/20 HACC 09/12/2020
991/9974/20 HACC 14/12/2020
991/9974/20 HACC 14/12/2020
991/10049/20 HACC 18/12/2020
991/10049/20 HACC 22/12/2020
991/10049/20 HACC 22/12/2020
991/400/21 HACC 21/01/2021
991/400/21 HACC 26/01/2021 Complaint about the non-compliance with reasonable time limits during pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
991/400/21 HACC 26/01/2021 Complaint about the non-compliance with reasonable time limits during pre-trial investigation in criminal proceedings
991/396/21 HACC 27/01/2021
991/396/21 HACC 27/01/2021
991/654/21 HACC 02/02/2021
991/655/21 HACC 02/02/2021
991/656/21 HACC 02/02/2021
991/654/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/655/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/780/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/484/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/655/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/654/21 HACC 04/02/2021
991/780/21 HACC AC 18/02/2021
991/780/21 HACC AC 18/02/2021
991/1335/21 HACC 24/02/2021
991/1334/21 HACC 24/02/2021
991/1274/21 HACC 01/03/2021
991/1274/21 HACC 04/03/2021
991/1335/21 HACC 04/03/2021
991/1334/21 HACC 04/03/2021
991/1335/21 HACC 04/03/2021
991/1334/21 HACC 04/03/2021
991/1274/21 HACC 11/03/2021
991/1274/21 HACC 12/03/2021
991/1274/21 HACC 12/03/2021
991/1475/21 HACC 15/03/2021
991/1475/21 HACC 15/03/2021
991/611/21 HACC 16/03/2021
991/611/21 HACC 16/03/2021
991/2006/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2007/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2005/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2009/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2007/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2006/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2005/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2009/21 HACC 24/03/2021
991/2450/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2450/21 HACC 13/04/2021
991/2450/21 HACC 13/04/2021
991/3215/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3217/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3218/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3216/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3327/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/3326/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/3328/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/3327/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/3326/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/3328/21 HACC 20/05/2021
991/4312/21 HACC 30/06/2021
991/4312/21 HACC 30/06/2021
991/4798/21 HACC 19/07/2021
991/4797/21 HACC 19/07/2021
991/4797/21 HACC 19/07/2021
991/4798/21 HACC 19/07/2021
991/4799/21 HACC 20/07/2021
991/4800/21 HACC 20/07/2021
991/4800/21 HACC 20/07/2021
991/4799/21 HACC 20/07/2021
991/4834/21 HACC 21/07/2021
991/4834/21 HACC 21/07/2021
991/4831/21 HACC 04/08/2021
991/4831/21 HACC 04/08/2021
991/5235/21 HACC 05/08/2021
991/5235/21 HACC 05/08/2021
991/5237/21 HACC 10/08/2021
991/5236/21 HACC 10/08/2021
991/5237/21 HACC 10/08/2021
991/5236/21 HACC 10/08/2021
991/5235/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/5235/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/6104/21 HACC 07/09/2021
991/6104/21 HACC 07/09/2021
991/7072/21 HACC 26/11/2021
991/7072/21 HACC 26/11/2021
991/3367/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3367/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3365/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3366/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3363/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3366/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3365/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3363/22 HACC 31/08/2022
991/3386/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/3386/22 HACC 01/09/2022
991/3445/22 HACC 05/09/2022
991/3387/22 HACC 05/09/2022
991/3445/22 HACC 05/09/2022
991/3446/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3447/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3447/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3446/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3744/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3746/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3745/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3742/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3743/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3746/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3745/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3742/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3744/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3743/22 HACC 13/09/2022
991/3811/22 HACC 15/09/2022
991/3812/22 HACC 15/09/2022
991/3811/22 HACC 15/09/2022
991/3812/22 HACC 15/09/2022
991/3600/22 HACC 20/09/2022
991/3600/22 HACC 20/09/2022
991/3811/22 HACC 22/09/2022
991/4131/22 HACC 05/10/2022
991/4131/22 HACC 05/10/2022
991/3445/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3447/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3445/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3447/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3446/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3446/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3445/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3446/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3447/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3595/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3446/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3595/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3447/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3445/22 HACC AC 19/10/2022
991/3595/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3595/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/3596/22 HACC AC 20/10/2022
991/3596/22 HACC AC 20/10/2022
991/3596/22 HACC 20/10/2022
991/3596/22 HACC 20/10/2022
991/3593/22 HACC AC 21/10/2022
991/3593/22 HACC AC 21/10/2022
991/3593/22 HACC 21/10/2022
991/3593/22 HACC 21/10/2022
991/3937/22 HACC 24/10/2022
991/3937/22 HACC 24/10/2022
991/3937/22 HACC AC 24/10/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/3937/22 HACC AC 24/10/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4463/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/4460/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/4463/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/4460/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/4883/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/4884/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/4883/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/4884/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5089/22 HACC 02/11/2022
991/5089/22 HACC 02/11/2022
991/5013/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/5015/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/5014/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/5015/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/5013/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/5014/22 HACC 07/11/2022
991/3597/22 HACC AC 08/11/2022
991/3597/22 HACC AC 08/11/2022
991/3597/22 HACC 08/11/2022
991/3597/22 HACC 08/11/2022
991/5345/22 HACC 10/11/2022
991/5345/22 HACC 10/11/2022
991/5698/22 HACC 23/11/2022
991/5698/22 HACC 23/11/2022
991/5844/22 HACC 25/11/2022
991/5843/22 HACC 25/11/2022
991/5844/22 HACC 25/11/2022
991/5843/22 HACC 25/11/2022
991/6535/22 HACC 23/12/2022
991/6535/22 HACC 23/12/2022
991/178/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/316/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/178/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/316/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/178/23 HACC 25/01/2023
991/178/23 HACC 25/01/2023
991/247/23 HACC 31/01/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/410/23 HACC 31/01/2023
991/411/23 HACC 31/01/2023
991/410/23 HACC 31/01/2023
991/411/23 HACC 31/01/2023
991/247/23 HACC 31/01/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/248/23 HACC 02/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/248/23 HACC 02/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/178/23 HACC AC 14/02/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/250/23 HACC 21/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/250/23 HACC 21/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/250/23 HACC AC 21/02/2023
991/250/23 HACC AC 21/02/2023
991/1509/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/410/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/412/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/412/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/410/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/1509/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/412/23 HACC 27/02/2023
991/412/23 HACC 27/02/2023
991/249/23 HACC 28/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/249/23 HACC 28/02/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2181/23 HACC 14/03/2023
991/2181/23 HACC 15/03/2023
991/2181/23 HACC 15/03/2023
991/178/23 CCC 23/03/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/2488/23 HACC 23/03/2023
991/2488/23 HACC 23/03/2023
991/2228/23 HACC 24/03/2023
991/2228/23 HACC 24/03/2023
991/2489/23 HACC 29/03/2023
991/2489/23 HACC 29/03/2023
991/2401/23 HACC 05/04/2023
991/2401/23 HACC 05/04/2023
991/2337/23 HACC 07/04/2023
991/2337/23 HACC 07/04/2023
991/2439/23 HACC 26/04/2023
991/2439/23 HACC 26/04/2023
991/4034/23 HACC 10/05/2023
991/4034/23 HACC 10/05/2023
991/4281/23 HACC 31/05/2023
991/4281/23 HACC 31/05/2023
991/5846/23 HACC 04/07/2023 Decision on the implementation of remote court proceedings
991/5846/23 HACC 04/07/2023
991/5846/23 HACC 04/07/2023
991/6642/23 HACC 02/08/2023
991/6643/23 HACC 02/08/2023
991/6642/23 HACC 02/08/2023
991/6643/23 HACC 02/08/2023