
Apartments as bribes: the case of developer Serhii Kopystyra

  • Date of commencement of the case: 19/12/2023
  • Instance: HACC
  • Stage of criminal proceedings: Judicial proceedings
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Apartments as bribes: the case of developer Serhii Kopystyra Apartments as bribes: the case of developer Serhii Kopystyra

Case description

The NABU and the SAPO suspect developer Serhii Kopystyra of attempting to bribe Deputy Prime Minister for Restoration Oleksandr Kubrakov. 

According to the prosecution, in August-November 2023, Serhii Kopystyra offered Oleksandr Kubrakov, then Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, to provide a kickback of 2% of the area of the residential complex that was planned to be built in the future on the Ministry's land plot. The area in question is approximately 4,200 to 4,900 sq.m. 

In return, Kubrakov was supposed to not amend or terminate the contracts between SE Ukrkomunobsluhovuvannya and the private company Citygasservice, which actually belongs to Kopystyra.

Alla Sushon, the Director of the above-mentioned state enterprise, was an accomplice in the crime.  

In October-November 2023, Kopystyra provided the bribe in the form of apartments; he re-registered 16 apartments for Anton Hetman's trustee.

Kopystyra and Sushon are charged with Article 369(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. The case also involves Oleh Tatarenko, an accomplice in the bribe transfer. His actions were classified under Article 369(4) and Article 358(4) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

  • Proceeding No.: 52023000000000358
  • Case No.: 991/9167/24 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/9974/23, 991/9968/23, 991/9965/23, 991/9971/23, 991/9950/23, 991/9973/23, 991/9972/23, 991/9970/23, 991/9969/23, 991/9967/23, 991/9952/23, 991/10287/23, 991/10329/23, 991/10282/23, 991/10500/23, 991/10475/23, 991/10331/23, 991/10474/23, 991/10476/23, 991/10330/23, 991/10286/23, 991/10294/23, 991/10968/23, 991/10644/23, 991/88/24, 991/159/24, 991/10280/23, 991/315/24, 991/314/24, 991/483/24, 991/613/24, 991/614/24, 991/771/24, 991/10281/23, 991/10290/23, 991/987/24, 991/718/24, 991/1159/24, 991/1198/24, 991/1199/24, 991/1200/24, 991/1378/24, 991/1932/24, 991/2022/24, 991/2021/24, 991/2573/24, 991/2634/24, 991/2838/24, 991/4054/24, 991/4052/24, 991/4641/24, 991/4953/24, 991/5389/24, 991/5452/24, 991/5814/24, 991/5815/24, 991/6469/24, 991/7618/24, 991/7717/24, 991/8415/24, 991/8413/24, 991/8699/24, 991/258/25
  • Incriminated: Article 364, part 2, Article 365-2, part 3, Article 368, part 4, Article 369, part 4
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Mykhailenko V.V.



Developer Serhii Kopystyra allegedly tried to bribe Oleksandr Kubrakov, Minister for Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, with apartments.

  • August-November 2023
    Kopystyra allegedly gave part of the bribe to Kubrakov by re-registering the apartments to a trustee
  • pic
    November 21, 2023
    The NABU and the SAPO served Alla Sushon and Serhii Kopystyra with suspicion notices
  • pic
    November 24, 2023
    The HACC took Kopystyra into custody with an alternative of UAH 100 million bail. He was immediately released on bail
  • November 27, 2023
    The HACC set bail for Alla Sushon at almost UAH 2 million
  • pic
    March 28, 2024
    The NABU and the SAPO served a notice of suspicion to Mr. Tatarenko
  • April 3, 2024
    The HACC placed Tatarenko under night-time house arrest
  • pic
    April 25, 2024
    The HACC Appeals Chamber took Tatarenko into custody with the right to post UAH 20 million bail
  • June 19, 2024
    The HACC reduced Kopystyra's bail to UAH 90 million
  • July 12, 2024
    HACC AC Overturns Decision by Investigating Judge and Restores UAH 100 mln
  • September 13, 2024
    SAPO Refers Indictment to HACC
  • September 27, 2024
    HACC Reduces Kopystyra's Bail to UAH 90 mln
  • January 17, 2025
    ВАКС зменшив заставу забудовнику Сергію Копистирі до 89 млн грн та Сушон до 1,4 млн грн.
  • January 22, 2025
    Привіт! The HACC reduced Tatarenko's bail to 19 million UAH. His electronic bracelet was removed.

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/9974/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9974/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9968/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9965/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9971/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9950/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9973/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9972/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9970/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9969/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9967/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/9952/23 HACC 14/11/2023
991/10287/23 HACC 29/11/2023
991/10329/23 HACC 05/12/2023
991/10329/23 HACC 05/12/2023
991/10282/23 HACC 05/12/2023
991/10500/23 HACC 07/12/2023
991/10500/23 HACC 07/12/2023
991/10475/23 HACC 07/12/2023
991/10331/23 HACC 12/12/2023
991/10331/23 HACC 12/12/2023
991/10475/23 HACC 13/12/2023
991/10474/23 HACC 13/12/2023
991/10476/23 HACC 13/12/2023
991/10476/23 HACC 13/12/2023
991/10474/23 HACC 13/12/2023
991/10330/23 HACC 18/12/2023
991/10330/23 HACC 18/12/2023
991/10330/23 HACC AC 18/12/2023
991/10330/23 HACC AC 18/12/2023
991/10286/23 HACC AC 19/12/2023 On the return of the appeal
991/10286/23 HACC AC 19/12/2023 On the return of the appeal
991/10294/23 HACC 20/12/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/10294/23 HACC 20/12/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/10294/23 HACC AC 20/12/2023
991/10968/23 HACC 22/12/2023
991/10644/23 HACC 29/12/2023
991/88/24 HACC 08/01/2024
991/159/24 HACC 12/01/2024
991/10280/23 HACC 17/01/2024
991/10280/23 HACC 17/01/2024
991/10280/23 HACC AC 17/01/2024
991/10280/23 HACC AC 17/01/2024
991/315/24 HACC 18/01/2024
991/315/24 HACC 18/01/2024
991/159/24 HACC 19/01/2024 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/159/24 HACC 19/01/2024 On the extension of the period of pre-trial investigation of criminal proceedings
991/314/24 HACC 19/01/2024
991/314/24 HACC 19/01/2024
991/483/24 HACC 22/01/2024
991/613/24 HACC 24/01/2024
991/614/24 HACC 24/01/2024
991/483/24 HACC 30/01/2024
991/771/24 HACC 01/02/2024
991/10286/23 HACC AC 02/02/2024
991/10281/23 HACC AC 02/02/2024
991/10281/23 HACC AC 02/02/2024
991/10286/23 HACC AC 02/02/2024
991/10286/23 HACC 02/02/2024
991/10281/23 HACC 02/02/2024
991/10290/23 HACC AC 05/02/2024
991/10290/23 HACC AC 05/02/2024
991/10290/23 HACC 05/02/2024
991/10290/23 HACC 05/02/2024
991/987/24 HACC 06/02/2024
991/718/24 HACC 07/02/2024 Decision on temporary access
991/1159/24 HACC 21/02/2024
991/1159/24 HACC 21/02/2024
991/1198/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1199/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1200/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1200/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1199/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1198/24 HACC 27/02/2024
991/1378/24 HACC 05/03/2024
991/1378/24 HACC 05/03/2024
991/1932/24 HACC 11/03/2024
991/2022/24 HACC 18/03/2024
991/2021/24 HACC 18/03/2024
991/2022/24 HACC 18/03/2024
991/2021/24 HACC 18/03/2024
991/2573/24 HACC 29/03/2024
991/2573/24 HACC 02/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC 02/04/2024
991/2634/24 HACC 02/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC 03/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC 03/04/2024
991/2838/24 HACC 05/04/2024
991/2838/24 HACC 05/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC AC 25/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC AC 25/04/2024
991/2573/24 HACC AC 25/04/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2573/24 HACC AC 25/04/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/4054/24 HACC 14/05/2024
991/4052/24 HACC 14/05/2024
991/4054/24 HACC 14/05/2024
991/4052/24 HACC 14/05/2024
991/4641/24 HACC 04/06/2024 Decision on the return of bail, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/4641/24 HACC 04/06/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision on the return of bail
991/4953/24 HACC 19/06/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision on the return of bail
991/4953/24 HACC 19/06/2024 Decision on the return of bail, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/5389/24 HACC 25/06/2024
991/5389/24 HACC 25/06/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 03/07/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 03/07/2024
991/5389/24 HACC AC 10/07/2024
991/5814/24 HACC 10/07/2024
991/5815/24 HACC 10/07/2024
991/5815/24 HACC 10/07/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 11/07/2024
991/5814/24 HACC 11/07/2024
991/5814/24 HACC 11/07/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 11/07/2024
991/4953/24 HACC AC 12/07/2024
991/4953/24 HACC AC 12/07/2024
991/5814/24 HACC AC 18/07/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 18/07/2024
991/5452/24 HACC 18/07/2024
991/6469/24 HACC 09/08/2024
991/6469/24 HACC 09/08/2024
991/6469/24 HACC AC 13/08/2024
991/4953/24 HACC AC 14/08/2024
991/7618/24 HACC 21/08/2024
991/7618/24 HACC 21/08/2024
991/6469/24 HACC AC 22/08/2024
991/7717/24 HACC 22/08/2024
991/7717/24 HACC 22/08/2024
991/7717/24 HACC 23/08/2024
991/7717/24 HACC 23/08/2024
991/7717/24 HACC AC 29/08/2024
991/2838/24 HACC AC 30/08/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/2838/24 HACC AC 30/08/2024 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/8415/24 HACC 06/09/2024
991/8415/24 HACC 06/09/2024
991/8413/24 HACC 09/09/2024
991/8413/24 HACC 10/09/2024
991/8413/24 HACC 10/09/2024
991/8699/24 HACC 12/09/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/8699/24 HACC 12/09/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 13/09/2024 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/6469/24 CCC 17/09/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/9167/24 HACC 19/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 19/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 20/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/09/2024 Decision to change the interim measure, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 27/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/09/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision to change the interim measure
991/9167/24 HACC 30/09/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 04/10/2024 Decision on the return of bail
991/9167/24 HACC 23/10/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 23/10/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 31/10/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 31/10/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 31/10/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 31/10/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 20/11/2024 On the appointment of a trial
991/9167/24 HACC 20/11/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 20/11/2024 On the appointment of a trial
991/9167/24 HACC 21/11/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 21/11/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 06/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 27/12/2024
991/9167/24 HACC 03/01/2025 Decision on temporary access
991/9167/24 HACC 03/01/2025 Decision on temporary access
991/9167/24 HACC 17/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision to change the interim measure
991/9167/24 HACC 17/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision to change the interim measure
991/9167/24 HACC 17/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision to change the interim measure
991/9167/24 HACC 17/01/2025 Decision to change the interim measure, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/258/25 HACC 20/01/2025
991/9167/24 HACC 21/01/2025 Decision on the return of bail
991/9167/24 HACC 21/01/2025 Decision on the return of bail
991/9167/24 HACC 22/01/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused, Decision to change the interim measure
991/9167/24 HACC 22/01/2025 Decision to change the interim measure, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 27/01/2025 Decision on the return of bail
991/9167/24 HACC 17/02/2025
991/9167/24 HACC 17/02/2025
991/9167/24 HACC 13/03/2025
991/9167/24 HACC 13/03/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 13/03/2025
991/9167/24 HACC 13/03/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 20/03/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/9167/24 HACC 20/03/2025 On changing the interim measure for the accused