
Permission for extraction for peanuts: the case of Arkona Gas-Energy LCC

  • Date of commencement of the case: 26/01/2023
  • Instance: HACC
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Permission for extraction for peanuts: the case of Arkona Gas-Energy LCC Permission for extraction for peanuts: the case of Arkona Gas-Energy LCC
  • Proceeding No.: 52018000000000182
  • Case No.: 991/667/23 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 760/17529/19, 760/17531/19, 991/1704/19, 910/284/19, 991/1580/20, 991/5884/20, 991/5885/20, 991/5886/20, 991/5887/20, 991/5883/20, 991/5888/20, 991/5892/20, 991/5890/20, 991/6087/20, 991/6083/20, 991/6085/20, 991/6080/20, 991/6084/20, 991/6484/20, 991/6481/20, 991/6479/20, 991/6483/20, 991/6480/20, 991/6452/20, 991/6454/20, 991/6973/20, 991/6815/20, 991/6817/20, 991/6482/20, 991/7147/20, 991/7689/20, 991/7771/20, 991/7963/20, 991/7930/20, 991/7981/20, 991/8096/20, 991/8366/20, 991/8533/20, 991/8534/20, 991/8596/20, 991/8866/20, 991/8864/20, 991/8980/20, 991/9322/20, 991/9503/20, 991/9520/20, 991/9688/20, 991/9928/20, 991/10050/20, 991/10144/20, 991/10145/20, 991/10509/20, 991/10510/20, 991/41/21, 991/44/21, 991/42/21, 991/43/21, 991/9739/20, 991/270/21, 991/160/21, 991/302/21, 991/411/21, 991/457/21, 991/452/21, 991/455/21, 991/85/21, 991/1595/21, 991/1803/21, 991/1806/21, 991/1594/21, 991/2699/21, 991/2783/21, 991/2981/21, 991/3766/21, 991/4324/21, 991/5036/21, 991/5552/21, 991/5548/21, 991/5838/21, 991/5839/21, 991/5862/21, 991/5861/21, 991/6400/21, 991/8216/21, 991/967/22, 991/8777/21, 991/8779/21, 991/1180/22, 991/1445/22, 991/1446/22, 991/8776/21, 991/3246/22, 991/4652/22, 991/4108/22, 991/87/23, 991/6689/22, 991/309/23, 991/430/23, 991/496/23, 991/477/23, 991/550/23, 991/6698/22, 991/497/23, 991/434/23, 991/498/23
  • Incriminated: Article 364, part 2, Article 364, part 1, Article 369-2, part 1
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Kryklyvyi V.V.

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
760/17529/19 HACC AC 30/10/2019
760/17529/19 HACC AC 30/10/2019
760/17531/19 HACC AC 12/11/2019 On closing appeal proceedings
760/17531/19 HACC AC 12/11/2019 On closing appeal proceedings
991/1704/19 HACC 14/11/2019
910/284/19 HACC AC 20/12/2019
991/1580/20 HACC AC 17/03/2020
991/5884/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5885/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5885/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5886/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5886/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5887/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5887/20 HACC 16/07/2020
991/5883/20 HACC 17/07/2020
991/5888/20 HACC 17/07/2020
991/5892/20 HACC 17/07/2020
991/5890/20 HACC 17/07/2020
991/5884/20 HACC 17/07/2020
991/6087/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/6083/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/6085/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/6080/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/6084/20 HACC 22/07/2020
991/6484/20 HACC 05/08/2020
991/6484/20 HACC 05/08/2020
991/6484/20 HACC 05/08/2020
991/6481/20 HACC 07/08/2020
991/6481/20 HACC 07/08/2020
991/6479/20 HACC 13/08/2020
991/6479/20 HACC 13/08/2020
991/6483/20 HACC AC 17/08/2020
991/6483/20 HACC AC 17/08/2020
991/6480/20 HACC 18/08/2020 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/6480/20 HACC 18/08/2020 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of bail
991/6452/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6454/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6973/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6815/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6817/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6483/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6454/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6452/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6483/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6817/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6815/20 HACC 19/08/2020
991/6482/20 HACC 25/08/2020
991/7147/20 HACC 26/08/2020
991/6484/20 HACC AC 26/08/2020 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/6482/20 HACC 26/08/2020
991/6484/20 HACC AC 26/08/2020 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/6483/20 HACC AC 31/08/2020 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/6480/20 HACC AC 31/08/2020
991/6480/20 HACC AC 31/08/2020
991/6480/20 HACC 11/09/2020
991/7689/20 HACC 18/09/2020
991/7771/20 HACC 18/09/2020
991/7771/20 HACC 22/09/2020
991/7771/20 HACC 22/09/2020
991/7963/20 HACC 24/09/2020
991/7689/20 HACC 24/09/2020
991/7689/20 HACC 24/09/2020
991/7930/20 HACC 28/09/2020
991/7930/20 HACC 28/09/2020
991/7981/20 HACC 29/09/2020
991/7981/20 HACC 29/09/2020
991/8096/20 HACC 02/10/2020
991/8096/20 HACC 02/10/2020
991/7963/20 HACC AC 07/10/2020
991/7963/20 HACC AC 07/10/2020
991/8096/20 HACC 08/10/2020
991/8366/20 HACC 09/10/2020
991/8366/20 HACC 09/10/2020
991/6480/20 HACC 13/10/2020
991/8533/20 HACC 15/10/2020
991/8533/20 HACC 15/10/2020
991/8534/20 HACC 16/10/2020
991/8534/20 HACC 16/10/2020
991/8596/20 HACC 19/10/2020
991/8596/20 HACC 20/10/2020
991/8596/20 HACC 20/10/2020
991/8866/20 HACC 30/10/2020
991/8864/20 HACC 30/10/2020
991/8866/20 HACC 30/10/2020
991/8864/20 HACC 30/10/2020
991/8980/20 HACC 04/11/2020
991/8096/20 HACC AC 05/11/2020
991/8980/20 HACC 09/11/2020
991/8980/20 HACC 09/11/2020
991/9322/20 HACC 12/11/2020
991/9322/20 HACC 12/11/2020
991/9503/20 HACC 19/11/2020
991/9520/20 HACC 20/11/2020
991/9688/20 HACC 26/11/2020
991/9688/20 HACC 26/11/2020
991/9928/20 HACC 04/12/2020
991/9928/20 HACC 04/12/2020
991/10050/20 HACC 10/12/2020
991/10144/20 HACC 11/12/2020
991/10144/20 HACC 11/12/2020
991/10145/20 HACC 14/12/2020
991/10145/20 HACC 14/12/2020
991/9503/20 HACC 21/12/2020
991/9503/20 HACC 21/12/2020
991/7981/20 HACC 23/12/2020
991/10509/20 HACC 29/12/2020
991/10510/20 HACC 29/12/2020
991/41/21 HACC 06/01/2021
991/44/21 HACC 06/01/2021
991/42/21 HACC 06/01/2021
991/43/21 HACC 06/01/2021
991/9739/20 HACC 13/01/2021
991/10145/20 HACC AC 13/01/2021
991/10145/20 HACC AC 13/01/2021
991/9739/20 HACC 13/01/2021
991/270/21 HACC 16/01/2021
991/160/21 HACC 18/01/2021
991/160/21 HACC 18/01/2021
991/302/21 HACC 21/01/2021
991/302/21 HACC 21/01/2021
991/411/21 HACC 22/01/2021
991/457/21 HACC 25/01/2021
991/10509/20 HACC AC 26/01/2021
991/10510/20 HACC AC 26/01/2021
991/10509/20 HACC AC 26/01/2021
991/10510/20 HACC AC 26/01/2021
991/270/21 HACC AC 28/01/2021
991/270/21 HACC AC 28/01/2021
991/452/21 HACC 29/01/2021
991/455/21 HACC 29/01/2021
991/452/21 HACC 29/01/2021
991/455/21 HACC 29/01/2021
991/9739/20 HACC 03/02/2021
991/9739/20 HACC 03/02/2021
991/85/21 HACC 09/02/2021
991/85/21 HACC 09/02/2021
991/1595/21 HACC 11/03/2021
991/1595/21 HACC 11/03/2021
991/1803/21 HACC 15/03/2021
991/1806/21 HACC 16/03/2021
991/1803/21 HACC 18/03/2021
991/1803/21 HACC 18/03/2021
991/1594/21 HACC 22/03/2021
991/1594/21 HACC 22/03/2021
991/2699/21 HACC 21/04/2021
991/2783/21 HACC 21/04/2021
991/2981/21 HACC 29/04/2021
991/2981/21 HACC 12/05/2021
991/2783/21 HACC AC 12/05/2021
991/2699/21 HACC AC 12/05/2021
991/2981/21 HACC 12/05/2021
991/2699/21 HACC AC 12/05/2021
991/2783/21 HACC AC 12/05/2021
991/3766/21 HACC 07/06/2021
991/3766/21 HACC 07/06/2021
991/4324/21 HACC 25/06/2021
991/4324/21 HACC 01/07/2021
991/4324/21 HACC 01/07/2021
991/5036/21 HACC 27/07/2021
991/5552/21 HACC 19/08/2021
991/5548/21 HACC 19/08/2021
991/5838/21 HACC 27/08/2021
991/5839/21 HACC 27/08/2021
991/5862/21 HACC 28/08/2021
991/5861/21 HACC 28/08/2021
991/5838/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5839/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5548/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5548/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5839/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5838/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5861/21 HACC 13/09/2021
991/5862/21 HACC 13/09/2021
991/6400/21 HACC 17/09/2021
991/8216/21 HACC 06/12/2021
991/8216/21 HACC 20/12/2021
991/8216/21 HACC 20/12/2021
991/8216/21 HACC AC 11/01/2022
991/967/22 HACC 14/02/2022
991/8777/21 HACC 18/02/2022
991/8777/21 HACC 18/02/2022
991/8779/21 HACC 22/02/2022
991/8779/21 HACC 22/02/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 08/04/2022
991/8777/21 HACC AC 14/04/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 15/04/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 19/04/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 19/04/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 25/04/2022
991/1445/22 HACC 05/05/2022
991/1446/22 HACC 12/05/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 13/05/2022
991/1180/22 HACC 13/05/2022
991/967/22 HACC 18/05/2022
991/967/22 HACC 18/05/2022
991/967/22 HACC AC 18/05/2022
991/967/22 HACC AC 18/05/2022
991/8776/21 HACC 19/05/2022
991/3246/22 HACC 06/09/2022
991/3246/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3246/22 HACC 07/09/2022
991/3246/22 HACC AC 14/10/2022
991/3246/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/3246/22 HACC AC 25/10/2022
991/4652/22 HACC 03/11/2022
991/4652/22 HACC AC 03/11/2022
991/4652/22 CCC 21/11/2022 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/4108/22 HACC 14/12/2022
991/4108/22 HACC 14/12/2022
991/4108/22 HACC AC 20/12/2022
991/87/23 HACC 09/01/2023
991/6689/22 HACC 10/01/2023
991/87/23 HACC 11/01/2023
991/309/23 HACC 17/01/2023
991/430/23 HACC 19/01/2023
991/4108/22 CCC 19/01/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/496/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/477/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/87/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/430/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/430/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/87/23 HACC 23/01/2023
991/550/23 HACC 25/01/2023
991/667/23 HACC 26/01/2023 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/6698/22 HACC 30/01/2023
991/6698/22 HACC 30/01/2023
991/497/23 HACC 01/02/2023
991/497/23 HACC 01/02/2023
991/430/23 HACC 08/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC AC 14/02/2023 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 17/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC 17/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC AC 28/02/2023
991/667/23 HACC AC 28/02/2023
991/434/23 HACC 02/03/2023
991/498/23 HACC 08/03/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/03/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/03/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/03/2023
991/667/23 HACC 14/03/2023
991/667/23 HACC 22/03/2023 Decision on exemption from criminal liability on the basis of Art. 49 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations
991/667/23 HACC 22/03/2023 Decision on exemption from criminal liability on the basis of Art. 49 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations
991/667/23 HACC AC 28/03/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/667/23 CCC 04/05/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/667/23 HACC 13/06/2023 Decision on exemption from criminal liability on the basis of Art. 49 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine in connection with the expiration of the statute of limitations
991/667/23 HACC 27/06/2023
991/667/23 HACC 27/06/2023
991/667/23 HACC AC 10/07/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/667/23 CCC 02/10/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings