
Case of lawyers Yurii Zontov and Yurii Donets

  • Date of commencement of the case: 17/03/2022
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Case of lawyers Yurii Zontov and Yurii Donets Case of lawyers Yurii Zontov and Yurii Donets

Case description

The NABU suspects two lawyers — Yurii Zontov and Yurii Donets—of inciting to provide a USD 100,000 bribe to a judge of the Kyiv District Administrative Court.

On April 7, 2021, NABU detectives detained two lawyers for receiving a USD 100,000 bribe. According to the investigation, they had to hand it over to a KDAC judge for making the necessary decision in a case of declaring a tax assessment notice illegal and canceling it.

Yurii Zontov is the brother of Pavlo Vovk, former head of the District Administrative Court. Yuri Zontov is also suspected of entering false data into the e-declaration. This was the first suspicion notice served after the restoration of criminal liability for false declaration.

Zontov is accused under Art. 190 (4), Art. 369 (3), Art. 366-2(2) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. Donets is accused under Art. 190(4), Art. 369(3) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

  • Proceeding No.: 52021000000000016
  • Case No.: 991/1329/22 show all cases hide other cases
  • Other court cases No.: 991/2441/21, 991/2442/21, 991/2461/21, 991/2464/21, 991/2465/21, 991/2466/21, 991/2462/21, 991/2463/21, 991/2470/21, 991/2471/21, 991/2569/21, 991/2568/21, 991/2475/21, 991/2447/21, 991/2474/21, 991/2446/21, 991/2449/21, 991/2445/21, 991/2448/21, 991/2652/21, 991/3181/21, 991/3159/21, 991/3351/21, 991/3500/21, 991/3593/21, 991/3782/21, 991/3764/21, 991/3963/21, 991/4105/21, 991/4126/21, 991/4129/21, 991/4132/21, 991/4134/21, 991/4246/21, 991/4406/21, 991/4330/21, 991/4440/21, 991/4443/21, 991/4596/21, 991/4624/21, 991/4282/21, 991/4409/21, 991/4491/21, 991/4781/21, 991/4688/21, 991/4623/21, 991/4868/21, 991/5203/21, 991/5215/21, 991/5364/21, 991/5797/21, 991/5600/21, 991/5794/21, 991/5858/21, 991/5949/21, 991/5950/21, 991/5948/21, 991/5942/21, 991/6092/21, 991/6301/21, 991/6302/21, 991/6107/21, 991/6106/21, 991/6144/21, 991/6246/21, 991/6247/21, 991/6250/21, 991/5907/21, 991/6521/21, 991/6704/21, 991/6724/21, 991/6794/21, 991/6701/21, 991/6860/21, 991/6861/21, 991/6867/21, 991/6974/21, 991/6976/21, 991/6904/21, 991/6870/21, 991/7007/21, 991/7023/21, 991/7586/21, 991/7886/21, 991/8056/21, 991/8293/21, 991/8105/21, 991/8588/21, 991/8586/21, 991/8410/21, 991/427/22, 991/428/22, 991/469/22, 991/685/22, 991/813/22
  • Incriminated: Article 364, part 2, Article 191, part 4, Article 368, part 3, Article 368, part 4, Article 369, part 3, Article 369, part 4, Article 209, part 1, Article 366-2, part 2, Article 190, part 4
Instance Key parties Instance /Key parties:

Panel of judges: Sikora K.O.


Panel of judges: Storozhenko S.O., Vus S.M., Yeremeichuk S.V.


Panel of judges: Chorna V.V., Nykyforov A.S., Pavlyshyn O.F.

Lawyer: Nazarenka O.O., Kornahy O.I., Donets T.S., Klymova O.Yu., Rohozhuka S.L.

Prosecutor: Ivaniushchenko O.A.


Panel of judges: Bitsiuk A.V., Nohachevskyi V.V., Kryklyvyi V.V., Nohachevskyi V.V.

Lawyer: Rohozhuka S.L., Klymova O.Yu., Nazarenka O.O.

Prosecutor: Ivaniushchenko O.A.



The NABU and the SAPO accuse lawyers Yurii Zontov and Yurii Donets of inciting the provision of a USD 100,000 bribe to a judge of the KDAC.

Zontov is accused under Art. 190 (4), Art. 369 (3), Art. 366-2(2) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

Donets is accused under Art. 190(4), Art. 369(3) of the Criminal Code of Ukraine.

  • April 6, 2021
    The NABU and the SAPO exposed Zontov and Donets while they were receiving a USD100,00 bribe to then transfer it to the KDAC judge.
  • pic
    April 9, 2021
    The HACC took Zontov and Dontsov into custody. Alternatives in the form of bail were determined for both in the amount of over UAH 35 million and almost UAH 3 million, respectively.
  • pic
    September 20, 2021
    Zontov was served with a suspicion notice of false declaration
  • November 19, 2021
    The NABU and the SAPO completed the pre-trial investigation in the case
  • March 2022
    The case was referred to the court for consideration on the merits
  • August 8, 2022
    The HACC began hearing the case on its merits. The prosecutor read out the indictment
  • November 7, 2024
    The HACC started hearing the case anew in connection with the change in the composition of the court panel and the submitted motion of the defense

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/2441/21 HACC 08/04/2021
991/2441/21 HACC 08/04/2021 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2442/21 HACC 08/04/2021 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2461/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2464/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2465/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2466/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2461/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2464/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2465/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2466/21 HACC 09/04/2021
991/2441/21 HACC AC 12/04/2021
991/2462/21 HACC 12/04/2021
991/2462/21 HACC 12/04/2021
991/2463/21 HACC 12/04/2021
991/2441/21 HACC AC 13/04/2021
991/2441/21 HACC AC 13/04/2021
991/2470/21 HACC 13/04/2021
991/2471/21 HACC 14/04/2021
991/2471/21 HACC 14/04/2021
991/2442/21 HACC 15/04/2021 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2569/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/2568/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/2568/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/2569/21 HACC 15/04/2021
991/2475/21 HACC AC 19/04/2021
991/2447/21 HACC AC 19/04/2021
991/2474/21 HACC AC 19/04/2021
991/2471/21 HACC AC 19/04/2021
991/2446/21 HACC AC 19/04/2021
991/2449/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2445/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2448/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2445/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2449/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2448/21 HACC 20/04/2021
991/2441/21 HACC 21/04/2021 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/2441/21 HACC AC 21/04/2021
991/2474/21 HACC 26/04/2021
991/2474/21 HACC 26/04/2021
991/2474/21 HACC AC 26/04/2021
991/2474/21 HACC AC 26/04/2021
991/2652/21 HACC 29/04/2021
991/3181/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3181/21 HACC 13/05/2021
991/3159/21 HACC 18/05/2021
991/3181/21 HACC AC 20/05/2021 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/3351/21 HACC 21/05/2021
991/3181/21 HACC AC 24/05/2021 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/2475/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/2475/21 HACC 25/05/2021
991/2475/21 HACC AC 25/05/2021
991/2475/21 HACC AC 25/05/2021
991/3500/21 HACC 28/05/2021
991/3500/21 HACC 28/05/2021
991/3593/21 HACC 31/05/2021
991/3593/21 HACC 31/05/2021
991/2446/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2447/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2471/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2446/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2447/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2471/21 HACC 03/06/2021
991/2471/21 HACC AC 03/06/2021
991/2447/21 HACC AC 03/06/2021
991/2446/21 HACC AC 03/06/2021
991/3181/21 CCC 03/06/2021 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/3593/21 HACC AC 04/06/2021
991/3782/21 HACC 04/06/2021
991/3782/21 HACC 07/06/2021
991/3764/21 HACC 08/06/2021
991/3764/21 HACC 08/06/2021
991/3593/21 HACC AC 09/06/2021
991/3963/21 HACC 10/06/2021
991/3963/21 HACC 14/06/2021
991/3963/21 HACC 14/06/2021
991/4105/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4105/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4126/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4129/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4132/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4134/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4134/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4126/21 HACC 22/06/2021
991/4246/21 HACC 23/06/2021
991/3593/21 HACC AC 24/06/2021
991/3593/21 HACC AC 24/06/2021
991/3593/21 HACC AC 24/06/2021
991/4406/21 HACC 01/07/2021
991/4406/21 HACC 08/07/2021
991/4330/21 HACC 08/07/2021
991/4330/21 HACC 08/07/2021
991/4440/21 HACC 09/07/2021
991/4443/21 HACC 09/07/2021
991/4596/21 HACC 12/07/2021
991/4596/21 HACC 12/07/2021
991/4624/21 HACC 12/07/2021
991/4596/21 HACC 12/07/2021
991/4596/21 HACC 12/07/2021
991/4282/21 HACC 13/07/2021
991/4409/21 HACC 13/07/2021
991/4282/21 HACC 13/07/2021
991/4409/21 HACC 13/07/2021
991/4624/21 HACC 14/07/2021
991/4624/21 HACC 14/07/2021
991/4491/21 HACC 16/07/2021
991/4781/21 HACC 16/07/2021
991/4491/21 HACC 16/07/2021
991/4781/21 HACC 21/07/2021
991/4781/21 HACC 21/07/2021
991/4688/21 HACC 22/07/2021
991/4688/21 HACC 22/07/2021
991/4623/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/4868/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/4868/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/4623/21 HACC 23/07/2021
991/5203/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/5203/21 HACC 03/08/2021
991/4868/21 HACC AC 09/08/2021
991/5215/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/5364/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/5215/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/5364/21 HACC 11/08/2021
991/4868/21 HACC AC 13/08/2021
991/4868/21 HACC AC 13/08/2021
991/5797/21 HACC 25/08/2021
991/5600/21 HACC 26/08/2021
991/5600/21 HACC 26/08/2021
991/5797/21 HACC 26/08/2021
991/5794/21 HACC 30/08/2021
991/5858/21 HACC 30/08/2021
991/5794/21 HACC 30/08/2021
991/5858/21 HACC 30/08/2021
991/5949/21 HACC 02/09/2021
991/5950/21 HACC 02/09/2021
991/5948/21 HACC 02/09/2021
991/5797/21 HACC 06/09/2021
991/5942/21 HACC 06/09/2021
991/5942/21 HACC 06/09/2021
991/6092/21 HACC 06/09/2021
991/6092/21 HACC 07/09/2021
991/5364/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/5364/21 HACC 09/09/2021
991/6301/21 HACC 13/09/2021
991/6302/21 HACC 13/09/2021
991/6301/21 HACC 13/09/2021
991/6107/21 HACC 14/09/2021
991/6106/21 HACC 14/09/2021
991/6144/21 HACC 15/09/2021
991/6246/21 HACC 16/09/2021
991/6247/21 HACC 16/09/2021
991/6250/21 HACC 16/09/2021
991/5364/21 HACC AC 20/09/2021
991/5907/21 HACC AC 20/09/2021
991/5907/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/5907/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/5907/21 HACC AC 24/09/2021
991/6521/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/5907/21 HACC AC 24/09/2021
991/6521/21 HACC 24/09/2021
991/5364/21 HACC AC 28/09/2021
991/5364/21 HACC AC 28/09/2021
991/6704/21 HACC 28/09/2021
991/6724/21 HACC 30/09/2021
991/6794/21 HACC 01/10/2021
991/6701/21 HACC 04/10/2021
991/6701/21 HACC 04/10/2021
991/6794/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6860/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6861/21 HACC 06/10/2021
991/6867/21 HACC 11/10/2021
991/6974/21 HACC 11/10/2021
991/6704/21 HACC AC 12/10/2021
991/6704/21 HACC AC 12/10/2021
991/6976/21 HACC 12/10/2021
991/6974/21 HACC 12/10/2021
991/6976/21 HACC 12/10/2021
991/6974/21 HACC 12/10/2021
991/6976/21 HACC 12/10/2021
991/6904/21 HACC 18/10/2021
991/6904/21 HACC 18/10/2021
991/6870/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/5942/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/6870/21 HACC 19/10/2021
991/7007/21 HACC 25/10/2021
991/7007/21 HACC 25/10/2021
991/7023/21 HACC 26/10/2021
991/7023/21 HACC 26/10/2021
991/6704/21 HACC 28/10/2021
991/6704/21 HACC AC 28/10/2021
991/6704/21 HACC AC 28/10/2021
991/7586/21 HACC 10/11/2021
991/7586/21 HACC 15/11/2021
991/7886/21 HACC 30/11/2021
991/8056/21 HACC 30/11/2021
991/7886/21 HACC 30/11/2021
991/8056/21 HACC 30/11/2021
991/7886/21 HACC AC 09/12/2021
991/8293/21 HACC 13/12/2021
991/8105/21 HACC 13/12/2021
991/8293/21 HACC 13/12/2021
991/8105/21 HACC 13/12/2021
991/8588/21 HACC 21/12/2021
991/8586/21 HACC 24/12/2021 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/8586/21 HACC 24/12/2021 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/8410/21 HACC 28/12/2021
991/8588/21 HACC 04/01/2022
991/8588/21 HACC 04/01/2022
991/7886/21 HACC AC 14/01/2022
991/7886/21 HACC AC 14/01/2022
991/427/22 HACC 25/01/2022
991/428/22 HACC 25/01/2022
991/427/22 HACC 25/01/2022
991/428/22 HACC 25/01/2022
991/428/22 HACC 25/01/2022
991/469/22 HACC 28/01/2022
991/469/22 HACC 28/01/2022
991/685/22 HACC 02/02/2022
991/685/22 HACC 07/02/2022
991/813/22 HACC 07/02/2022
991/813/22 HACC 07/02/2022
991/813/22 HACC 08/02/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 17/03/2022 On the appointment of a preparatory court hearing
991/1329/22 HACC 23/03/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 23/03/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 01/04/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 18/04/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 06/05/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 06/05/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 12/05/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 12/05/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 02/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 02/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 16/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 16/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 20/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 20/06/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 26/07/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 26/07/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 26/07/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 26/07/2022
991/1329/22 HACC 08/08/2022 On the appointment of a trial
991/1329/22 HACC 08/08/2022 On the appointment of a trial
991/1329/22 HACC 19/09/2022 On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1329/22 HACC 22/09/2022 Decision to change the interim measure, On changing the interim measure for the accused
991/1329/22 HACC 10/04/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 10/04/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 09/05/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 09/05/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 21/09/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 21/09/2023
991/1329/22 HACC 08/03/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 08/03/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 10/06/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 10/06/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 26/09/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 26/09/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 27/09/2024
991/1329/22 HACC 27/09/2024