
Selling ammonia for peanuts: the case of former MP Oleksandr Hranovskyi

  • The date of the first court decision within a pre-trial investigation: 17/11/2021
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Selling ammonia for peanuts: the case of former MP Oleksandr Hranovskyi Selling ammonia for peanuts: the case of former MP Oleksandr Hranovskyi

Case description

Former MP Oleksandr Hranovskyi is suspected of organizing the sale of raw materials of the Odesa Portside Plant at low prices. The plant lost UAH 93 million in revenue.

In March–December 2015, acting in prior collusion, he caused the abuse of office by officials of Odesa Portside Plant PJSC to obtain improper advantage for Newscope Estate Limited. 

In 2015, the Odesa Regional Prosecutor’s Office registered the information on abuse of office by employees of Odesa Portside Plant PJSC in the Unified Register of Pre-Trial Investigations. The specified employees sold liquid ammonia and urea to the British company Newscope Estates Limited at below-market prices, which resulted in the plant losing over UAH 93 million in revenue.

Newscope was linked to Hranovskyi, a then-member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc. The investigation established that Hranovskyi, through his assistant, organized a scheme whereby Odesa Portside Plant sold mineral fertilizers to a predetermined company, which in turn resold the goods to foreign companies at competitive prices. The buyers physically received raw materials from Odesa Portside Plant.

The defendants in the case include Pavlo Chumak, owner of Newscope Estates Limited, and Olha Tkachenko, Hranovskyi’s assistant. Their actions were qualified under Article 364, part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine. 

Both Hranovskyi and his accomplices fled abroad and are now on the wanted list.

  • Proceeding No.: 52016000000000380
  • Case No.: 991/3440/20, 991/3441/20, 991/652/22, 991/1915/22, 991/1827/22, 991/2231/22, 991/2260/22, 991/3027/22, 991/3100/22, 991/3228/22, 991/3302/22, 991/3301/22, 991/3829/22, 991/4622/22, 991/4508/22, 991/4819/22, 991/4670/22, 991/4664/22, 991/5038/22, 991/5028/22, 991/5154/22, 991/5155/22, 991/5188/22, 991/5187/22, 991/5346/22, 991/5348/22, 991/5189/22, 991/5200/22, 991/5499/22, 991/5697/22, 991/5443/22, 991/5451/22, 991/5706/22, 991/5644/22, 991/6444/22, 991/6485/22, 991/5643/22, 991/6488/22, 991/21/23, 991/189/23, 991/383/23, 991/384/23, 991/520/23, 991/187/23, 991/712/23, 991/749/23, 991/812/23, 991/1282/23, 991/1281/23, 991/1149/23, 991/1521/23, 991/1524/23, 991/1578/23, 991/1568/23, 991/1826/23, 991/1217/23, 991/2386/23, 991/2480/23, 991/1339/23, 991/3203/23, 991/3204/23, 991/2512/23, 991/4029/23, 991/4884/23, 991/5011/23, 991/5161/23, 991/5163/23, 991/5133/23, 991/7253/23, 991/7256/23, 991/8998/23, 991/8505/23, 991/10779/23, 991/8329/23, 991/8064/23, 991/3958/24, 991/1128/24, 991/1340/24, 991/7118/24, 991/7691/24, 991/1956/24, 991/7255/23, 991/5799/24, 991/3198/24, 991/12449/24, 991/12442/24, 991/6020/24
  • Incriminated: Article 191, part 5, Article 364, part 2, Article 209, part 3
The case is at the stage of pre-trial investigation



The defendants in the case, led by former MP Hranovskyi, allegedly sold ammonia from Odesa Portside Plant at a reduced price to a controlled company.  They are facing up to 6 years in prison.

  • March–December 2015
    Hranovskyi caused abuse of power by officials at Odesa Portside Plant
  • March 5, 2020
    The NABU served suspicion notices to Olha Tkachenko and Pavlo Chumak
  • July 8, 2022
    The HACC Appeals Chamber arrested Pavlo Chumak in absentia
  • pic
    October 21, 2022
    The NABU served Oleksandr Hranovskyi with a suspicion notice
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    December 7, 2022
    The HACC took Oleksandr Hranovskyi into custody in absentia
  • September 18, 2024
    HACC AC Allows Case Investigation In Absentia

Decisions from the Register

Case No. Court Decision date Decision type
991/3440/20 CCC 17/11/2021 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/3440/20 CCC 17/11/2021
991/3440/20 CCC 17/11/2021
991/3440/20 CCC 02/12/2021 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/3440/20 CCC 20/12/2021
991/3440/20 CCC 20/12/2021
991/3440/20 CCC 30/12/2021
991/3441/20 CCC 07/02/2022
991/3441/20 CCC 07/02/2022 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/3440/20 CCC 14/02/2022 Resolution on partial granting of cassation appeals and the appointment of a new hearing in the court of the first or appellate instance
991/3441/20 CCC 17/02/2022 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/3440/20 HACC AC 18/04/2022
991/652/22 HACC 26/04/2022
991/652/22 HACC 11/05/2022
991/652/22 HACC 11/05/2022
991/3440/20 HACC AC 20/05/2022
991/3440/20 HACC AC 20/05/2022 Separate opinion of the HACC judge
991/3440/20 HACC AC 20/05/2022
991/3441/20 CCC 08/06/2022 Resolution on partial granting of cassation appeals and the appointment of a new hearing in the court of the first or appellate instance
991/1915/22 HACC 10/06/2022
991/1827/22 HACC AC 13/06/2022
991/1915/22 HACC 17/06/2022
991/1915/22 HACC 17/06/2022
991/3441/20 HACC AC 20/06/2022
991/1827/22 HACC 21/06/2022
991/1827/22 HACC AC 21/06/2022
991/1827/22 HACC AC 21/06/2022
991/3441/20 HACC AC 08/07/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/3441/20 HACC AC 08/07/2022
991/3441/20 HACC AC 08/07/2022
991/3441/20 HACC AC 08/07/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/3441/20 HACC AC 08/07/2022 Separate opinion of the HACC AC judge
991/2231/22 HACC 20/07/2022
991/2231/22 HACC 20/07/2022
991/2260/22 HACC 28/07/2022
991/2260/22 HACC 28/07/2022
991/3027/22 HACC 18/08/2022
991/3027/22 HACC 18/08/2022
991/3440/20 CCC 22/08/2022 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1827/22 CCC 23/08/2022 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/3100/22 HACC 29/08/2022
991/3228/22 HACC 29/08/2022
991/3228/22 HACC 29/08/2022
991/3100/22 HACC 29/08/2022
991/3302/22 HACC 06/09/2022
991/3301/22 HACC 06/09/2022
991/3301/22 HACC 06/09/2022
991/3302/22 HACC 06/09/2022
991/3829/22 HACC 16/09/2022
991/3829/22 HACC 22/09/2022
991/3829/22 HACC 22/09/2022
991/3829/22 HACC 04/10/2022
991/3829/22 HACC 04/10/2022
991/4622/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/4622/22 HACC 19/10/2022
991/4508/22 HACC 20/10/2022
991/4508/22 HACC 20/10/2022
991/4819/22 HACC 21/10/2022
991/4670/22 HACC 24/10/2022
991/4664/22 HACC 24/10/2022
991/4670/22 HACC 24/10/2022
991/4819/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/4819/22 HACC 25/10/2022
991/5038/22 HACC 28/10/2022
991/5028/22 HACC 28/10/2022
991/5038/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5028/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/4622/22 HACC AC 01/11/2022 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/5154/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5155/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5028/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5038/22 HACC 01/11/2022
991/5188/22 HACC 03/11/2022
991/5188/22 HACC 03/11/2022
991/5187/22 HACC 03/11/2022
991/5154/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5155/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5188/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5155/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5154/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5188/22 HACC 04/11/2022
991/5346/22 HACC 08/11/2022
991/5348/22 HACC 08/11/2022
991/5189/22 HACC AC 10/11/2022
991/5346/22 HACC 10/11/2022
991/5346/22 HACC 10/11/2022
991/5189/22 HACC 14/11/2022
991/5189/22 HACC AC 14/11/2022
991/5189/22 HACC AC 14/11/2022
991/5200/22 HACC AC 14/11/2022
991/5200/22 HACC 16/11/2022
991/5348/22 HACC 16/11/2022
991/5200/22 HACC AC 16/11/2022
991/5200/22 HACC AC 16/11/2022
991/5348/22 HACC 16/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 17/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 17/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 17/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 17/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 18/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 18/11/2022
991/5697/22 HACC 22/11/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 24/11/2022
991/5697/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5697/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5443/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5443/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5451/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5451/22 HACC 28/11/2022
991/5706/22 HACC 02/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 02/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC 02/12/2022
991/5706/22 HACC 02/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC AC 12/12/2022
991/5644/22 HACC AC 13/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC AC 13/12/2022
991/5443/22 HACC AC 13/12/2022 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/5499/22 HACC AC 14/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC AC 14/12/2022
991/5499/22 HACC AC 14/12/2022
991/6444/22 HACC 16/12/2022
991/5644/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/5644/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/6485/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/5643/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/6488/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/5644/22 HACC AC 19/12/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6444/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/5644/22 HACC AC 19/12/2022 Decision on partial granting of appeals
991/6444/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/5643/22 HACC 19/12/2022
991/6485/22 HACC 20/12/2022
991/6488/22 HACC 20/12/2022
991/5643/22 HACC AC 30/12/2022 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/6444/22 HACC 30/12/2022
991/6444/22 HACC 30/12/2022
991/21/23 HACC 03/01/2023
991/21/23 HACC 05/01/2023
991/5643/22 HACC 11/01/2023
991/5643/22 HACC 11/01/2023
991/189/23 HACC 12/01/2023
991/189/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/189/23 HACC 18/01/2023
991/189/23 HACC AC 23/01/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/383/23 HACC 24/01/2023
991/384/23 HACC 24/01/2023
991/520/23 HACC 24/01/2023
991/187/23 HACC 30/01/2023
991/5643/22 HACC AC 30/01/2023 On leaving the appeal without action
991/5643/22 HACC AC 31/01/2023
991/520/23 HACC 02/02/2023
991/187/23 HACC 02/02/2023
991/4622/22 CCC 02/02/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/187/23 HACC 02/02/2023
991/520/23 HACC 02/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 06/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 06/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 06/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 06/02/2023
991/712/23 HACC 07/02/2023
991/749/23 HACC 07/02/2023
991/812/23 HACC 08/02/2023
991/5643/22 HACC AC 08/02/2023
991/5643/22 HACC AC 08/02/2023
991/1282/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/1281/23 HACC 14/02/2023
991/1149/23 HACC 15/02/2023
991/1149/23 HACC 15/02/2023
991/1282/23 HACC 16/02/2023
991/1282/23 HACC 16/02/2023
991/1281/23 HACC 17/02/2023
991/1521/23 HACC 17/02/2023
991/1281/23 HACC 17/02/2023
991/1524/23 HACC 21/02/2023
991/1578/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/1568/23 HACC 22/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 23/02/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 23/02/2023
991/1578/23 HACC 24/02/2023
991/1578/23 HACC 24/02/2023
991/520/23 HACC 27/02/2023
991/520/23 HACC 27/02/2023
991/1826/23 HACC 01/03/2023
991/1521/23 HACC 02/03/2023
991/1521/23 HACC 02/03/2023
991/1826/23 HACC 03/03/2023
991/1149/23 HACC 03/03/2023
991/5643/22 HACC 03/03/2023
991/1826/23 HACC 03/03/2023
991/5643/22 HACC 03/03/2023
991/5643/22 HACC AC 09/03/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/1578/23 HACC 09/03/2023
991/5644/22 CCC 09/03/2023 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/1578/23 HACC 09/03/2023
991/5644/22 CCC 10/03/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 13/03/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 13/03/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 14/03/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 14/03/2023
991/1568/23 HACC 17/03/2023
991/1568/23 HACC 17/03/2023
991/1217/23 HACC 17/03/2023
991/1217/23 HACC 17/03/2023
991/2386/23 HACC 20/03/2023
991/2386/23 HACC 24/03/2023
991/2386/23 HACC 24/03/2023
991/1524/23 HACC 28/03/2023
991/1524/23 HACC 28/03/2023
991/2480/23 HACC 29/03/2023
991/2480/23 HACC 29/03/2023
991/1339/23 HACC 31/03/2023
991/1339/23 HACC 31/03/2023
991/5499/22 CCC 03/04/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1217/23 HACC 04/04/2023
991/5643/22 CCC 11/04/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/189/23 CCC 11/04/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1524/23 HACC 12/04/2023
991/1524/23 HACC 12/04/2023
991/3203/23 HACC 13/04/2023
991/3204/23 HACC 13/04/2023
991/3203/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/3204/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/3203/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/3204/23 HACC 17/04/2023
991/1578/23 HACC AC 01/05/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/1578/23 HACC 02/05/2023
991/1578/23 HACC 02/05/2023
991/2512/23 HACC 02/05/2023
991/2512/23 HACC 02/05/2023
991/1568/23 HACC AC 03/05/2023 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/1568/23 HACC 04/05/2023
991/1568/23 HACC 04/05/2023
991/4029/23 HACC 09/05/2023
991/4029/23 HACC 10/05/2023
991/4029/23 HACC 10/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 16/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC 18/05/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/5499/22 HACC AC 18/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 18/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 18/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC AC 18/05/2023
991/5499/22 HACC 18/05/2023 On the imposition of an interim measure in the form of detention
991/5644/22 CCC 22/05/2023
991/2512/23 HACC 29/05/2023
991/2512/23 HACC 29/05/2023
991/4884/23 HACC 06/06/2023
991/5011/23 HACC 12/06/2023
991/1568/23 CCC 12/06/2023
991/1568/23 CCC 12/06/2023 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/5161/23 HACC 13/06/2023
991/5163/23 HACC 13/06/2023
991/5133/23 HACC 13/06/2023
991/5161/23 HACC 13/06/2023
991/5133/23 HACC 15/06/2023
991/4884/23 HACC 19/06/2023
991/4884/23 HACC 19/06/2023
991/5011/23 HACC 23/06/2023
991/5011/23 HACC 23/06/2023
991/5644/22 CCC 27/06/2023
991/5644/22 CCC 27/06/2023
991/5161/23 HACC 30/06/2023
991/5161/23 HACC 30/06/2023
991/1568/23 CCC 13/07/2023 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/1578/23 CCC 24/07/2023
991/1578/23 CCC 24/07/2023 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/1578/23 CCC 03/08/2023 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/5499/22 CCC 04/09/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7253/23 HACC 06/09/2023
991/7256/23 HACC 08/12/2023
991/7253/23 CCC 12/12/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/8998/23 CCC 13/12/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/8505/23 CCC 19/12/2023 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/10779/23 HACC 28/12/2023
991/8329/23 CCC 04/01/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7253/23 HACC 11/01/2024
991/8064/23 CCC 15/01/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1578/23 CCC 30/01/2024
991/1568/23 CCC 22/03/2024
991/1568/23 CCC 16/04/2024
991/7253/23 CCC 18/04/2024 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/7253/23 CCC 18/04/2024
991/3958/24 HACC 03/06/2024
991/1128/24 CCC 17/06/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1340/24 CCC 22/07/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7118/24 HACC 14/08/2024
991/7691/24 HACC 26/08/2024
991/7253/23 CCC 24/09/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 14/10/2024
991/7255/23 HACC AC 15/10/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 16/10/2024
991/1956/24 CCC 21/10/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7255/23 CCC 21/10/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/7255/23 CCC 24/10/2024
991/7255/23 CCC 24/10/2024 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/1956/24 CCC 24/10/2024
991/1956/24 CCC 24/10/2024 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/1956/24 HACC AC 25/10/2024
991/7253/23 CCC 29/10/2024
991/7253/23 CCC 29/10/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 01/11/2024 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/1956/24 HACC AC 01/11/2024 Decision on the consideration of a recusal
991/5799/24 CCC 04/11/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/1956/24 CCC 11/11/2024 On the opening of cassation proceedings
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 18/11/2024
991/3198/24 HACC AC 25/11/2024
991/3198/24 HACC AC 25/11/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 09/12/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 09/12/2024
991/1956/24 HACC AC 09/12/2024 Separate opinion of the HACC judge
991/12449/24 HACC AC 13/12/2024
991/12442/24 HACC AC 16/12/2024 On the refusal to open appeal proceedings
991/7255/23 CCC 19/12/2024 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/1956/24 CCC 19/12/2024 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/1956/24 CCC 19/12/2024 On the completion of preparation and appointment of the cassation hearing
991/6020/24 CCC 26/12/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/6020/24 CCC 26/12/2024 On the refusal to open cassation proceedings
991/12449/24 HACC AC 28/01/2025
991/12449/24 HACC AC 28/01/2025
991/7256/23 HACC 29/01/2025
991/7256/23 HACC 29/01/2025